Volume 28, Number 7—July 2022
One Health Genomic Analysis of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase‒Producing Salmonella enterica, Canada, 2012‒2016
Figure 3

Figure 3. Phylogenetic dendrogram of extended-spectrum β-lactamase‒producing Salmonella enterica serovars Infantis from Canada and the United States. Isolates from the United States are from Tate et al. (26). The maximum-likelihood dendrogram was created by using the single-nucleotide variant (SNV) phylogenomics (SNVPhyl) pipeline (https://snvphyl.readthedocs.io/en/latest) based on SNVs in the core genome. The reference genome was Salmonella Infantis strain 15-SA01028 (GenBank accession no. CP026660.1). The tree is based on a core genome that represents 97% of the reference genome. Numbers along branches indicate branch support values. Salmonella Infantis containing extended-spectrum β-lactamases were isolated from human sources in Canada (dark orange), human sources from the United States (light orange), a cat from Canada (dark green), poultry or dairy at slaughter from the United States (light green) or retail meat from the United States. Isolate N17-03255 from a cat contained SHV-2, isolate 15-8465 from a human contained CTX-M-3, and all other isolates contained CTX-M-65. The dataset comprises 491 SNVs, and SH-like branch support values are displayed.
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