Volume 30, Number 11—November 2024
Antiviral Susceptibility of Swine-Origin Influenza A Viruses Isolated from Humans, United States

Figure. Susceptibility of variant viruses to NA inhibitors based on subtype and NA lineage in study of antiviral susceptibility of swine-origin influenza A viruses isolated from humans, United States. A) Susceptibility of A(H1N1)v (n = 15), A(H1N2)v (n = 14), and A(H3N2)v (n = 21) viruses to NA inhibitors determined in a fluorescence-based assay (29). The IC50s of viruses lacking known or suspected molecular markers that reduce inhibition by NA inhibitors were used to calculate the subtype-specific median IC50s (baseline susceptibility). B, C) Effect of NA lineage on inhibition by NA inhibitors. IC50s obtained in NA inhibition assay were grouped according to their respective NA lineage: N1-classical (n = 7, closed diamond), N1-pdm09 (n = 8, open diamond), N2-1998 (n = 12, closed square), or N2-2002 (n = 23, open square). Horizontal bars and numbers indicate median IC50s. IC50, 50% inhibitory concentration; Lan, laninamivir; NA, neuraminidase; Ose, oseltamivir; Per, peramivir; Zan, zanamivir.
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1These authors contributed equally to this article.