Volume 6, Number 1—February 2000
Integronlike Structures in Campylobacter spp. of Human and Animal Origin
Isolates of Campylobacter coli and C. jejuni from which gene cassettelike structures were amplified
Isolate No. | Yeara | R-type | IP-profile | Isolate No. | Yeara | R-type | IP-profile |
Campylobacter | jejuni | C. jejuni, cont’d | |||||
CIT-H6 | 1997 | SpSuTm | I | CIT-H1 | 1996 | SpSuTm | VIII |
CIT-H7 | 1996 | SpTm | I | CIT-P1 | 1997 | SpSuTm | IX |
CIT-H8 | 1997 | ApSpTm | I | CIT-H2 | 1996 | SpSuTm | X |
CIT-H9 | 1997 | SpTm | I | CIT-H3 | 1997 | SuTTm | XI |
CIT-H10 | 1997 | Tm | I | CIT-H4 | 1996 | SpSuTm | XII |
CIT-H12 | 1997 | NaSpTm | I | CIT-H5 | 1997 | SuTm | XIII |
CIT-H14 | 1997 | SpTm | I | C. coli | |||
CIT-H15 | 1996 | SpTm | I | CIT-P3 | 1996 | EGSSpSuTm | XIV |
CIT-H16 | 1997 | SpTTm | I | CIT-V3 | 1998 | ESpTTm | XIV |
CIT-H22 | 1996 | SpSuTm | I | CIT-V6 | 1998 | CCpENaSSpTTm | XIV |
CIT-H25 | 1997 | SSpTm | I | CIT-V1 | 1998 | SpSuTm | XV |
CIT-H26 | 1997 | ApSpTm | I | CIT-V4 | 1998 | SSpTTm | XVI |
CIT-P4 | 1997 | TTm | I | CIT-V5 | 1998 | ESSuTTm | XVI |
CIT-P5 | 1997 | SpSuTm | I | CIT-V2 | 1998 | ESSpSuTTm | XVI |
CIT-H30 | 1997 | SuTTm | I | C. jejuni | |||
CIT-H31 | 1996 | SpSuTm | I | CIT-H23 | 1996 | SpSuTm | XVII |
CIT-P10 | 1997 | SpTm | I | CIT-H28 | 1997 | CtTm | XVIII |
CIT-P13 | 1996 | NaTm | I | C. coli | |||
CIT-P14 | 1996 | SuTTm | I | CIT-P2 | 1997 | SpSuTm | XIX |
CIT-P15 | 1996 | SpSuTTm | I | C. jejuni | |||
CIT-P16 | 1996 | ApSpSuTTm | I | CIT-H19 | 1997 | SpSuTm | XX |
CIT-H29 | 1997 | SuTm | II | CIT-H17 | 1996 | ApCtENaSSpSuTTm XI | |
CIT-P7 | 1997 | NaSuTm | II | CIT-H21 | 1997 | SpSuTm | XXI |
CIT-P8 | 1997 | SpSuTm | II | CIT-H32 | 1996 | SSpSuTm | XXI |
CIT-P9 | 1997 | / | II | CIT-H18 | 1997 | ApCtSSpSuTm | XXII |
CIT-P6 | 1997 | SpSuTm | III | CIT-H20 | 1996 | ApSpTm | XXII |
CIT-P11 | 1996 | NaSpTm | III | Control strainsb | |||
CIT-P17 | 1997 | ESpSuTm | III | Escherichia coli | |||
CIT-H11 | 1997 | ApSpSuTm | IV | [R100.1] | / | / | A |
CIT-H13 | 1997 | ApCSpTm | IV | E. cola | |||
CIT-P12 | 1996 | CtNaSpSuTTm | V | [R751] | / | / | B |
CIT-H24 | 1997 | ApNaTm | VI | Salmonella Typhimurium | |||
CIT-H27 | 1997 | NaSSpSuTm | VII | CIT-F 100 | 1998 | ACSSuT | C |
aYear of isolation.
bE. coli and Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium control strains. The former carried plasmids R100.1 and R752, respectively, provided by D. Sandvang (13). S. Typhimurium DT104 [CIT-F 100] was previously characterized by M. Daly et al. (14).
H, hospital isolate; P, poultry isolate; V, veterinary isolate; /, not available or not determined. Antimicrobial agents: Ap, ampicillin; C, chloramphenicol; Cp, ciprofloxacin; Ct, colistin; E, erythromycin; G, gentamicin; Na, nalidixic acid; S, streptomycin; Sp, spectinomycin; Su, sulphafurazole; T, tetracycline; Tm, trimethoprim.
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Page created: May 09, 2011
Page updated: May 09, 2011
Page reviewed: May 09, 2011
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