Volume 14, Number 2—February 2008
Molecular Typing of Australian Scedosporium Isolates Showing Genetic Variability and Numerous S. aurantiacum
Figure 2

Figure 2. Rooted phylogram (outgroup Pseudallescheria africana CBS 311.72 and Petriella setifera CBS 164.74), showing the relationships among 11 selected strains representing each obtained internal transcribed spacer (ITS)–restriction fragment length polymorphism pattern and 4 reference strain sequences obtained from GenBank by using PAUP* version 4.06.10 (29).
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1These authors contributed equally to experimental work and data analysis.
2Current affiilation: Lille Pasteur Institute, Lille, France
3Members of the Australian Scedosporium Study Group of the Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases: Australian Capital Territory: Peter Collignon; The Canberra Hospital. New South Wales: Richard Benn (Royal Prince Alfred Hospital); Ian Chambers (Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology); Sharon Chen (Westmead Hospital); Nelson Dennis (Wollongong Hospital); Deo DeWit (Gosford Hospital); John Ferguson (John Hunter Hospital); Iain Gosbell (Liverpool Hospital); Thomas Gottlieb (Concord Hospital); Catriona Halliday (Westmead Hospital); Juliette Holland (Mayne Laverty Pathology); Alison Kesson (New Children’s Hospital, Westmead); Richard Lawrence (St. George Hospital); Deborah Marriott (St. Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney); Wieland Meyer (Westmead Hospital); Peter Newton (Wollongong Hospital); Quoc Nguyen (St. Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney); Pamela Palasanthrian (Sydney Children’s Hospital); Robert Pickles (infectious diseases physician, Taree), Robert Pritchard (Royal North Shore Hospital); Tania Sorrell (Westmead Hospital); Lex Tierney (John Hunter Hospital); Voula Tomasotos (Liverpool Hospital); Robert Vaz (Orange Base Hospital); Kerry Weeks (Royal North Shore Hospital). Queensland: Anthony Allworth (Royal Brisbane Hospital); Christopher Coulter (The Prince Charles Hospital); Joan Faoagali (Royal Brisbane Hospital); Barbara Johnson (Princess Alexandra Hospital), David Looke (Princess Alexandra Hospital), Joseph McCormack (The Mater Adult Hospital); Graeme Nimmo (Princess Alexandra Hospital); Gabrielle O’Kane (The Prince Charles Hospital); E. Geoffrey Playford (Princess Alexandra Hospital); Jennifer Robson (Sullivan and Nicolaides Pathology). South Australia: David Ellis (Women’s and Children’s Hospital); Rosemary Handke (Women’s and Children’s Hospital); Karen Rowlands (Royal Adelaide Hospital); David Shaw(Royal Adelaide Hospital). Tasmania: Louise Cooley (Royal Hobart Hospital); Erica Cox (Launceston General Hospital); Alistair McGregor (Royal Hobart Hospital). Victoria: Clare Franklin (Alfred Hospital); Cathy Joseph (St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne), Tony Korman (Monash Medical Centre), Orla Morrissey (Alfred Hospital), Monica Slavin (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre), Denis Spelman (Alfred Hospital); Bryan Speed (Austin and Repatriation Hospitals); Harsha Sheorey (St. Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne). Western Australia: Peter Boan (Royal Perth Hospital); John Dyer (Fremantle Hospital); Christopher Heath (Royal Perth Hospital); Dianne Gardam (Royal Perth Hospital); Duncan McLennan (Fremantle Hospital); Ronan Murray (Royal Perth Hospital); Todd Pryce (Royal Perth Hospital).