Volume 15, Number 9—September 2009
Human Infection with G12 Rotaviruses, Germany
Figure 2
![Phylogenetic dendrogram of viral protein 4 (VP4) P[6] and P[8] rotaviruses at the amino acid level. Bootstraps values (1,000 replicates) >65% are shown. The strain name is prefixed by the country of origin (AUS, Australia; BRA, Brazil; BAN, Bangladesh; BEL, Belgium; DRC, Democratic Republic of Congo; GER, Germany; JAP, Japan; MAL, Malawi; PRC, People’s Republic of China; SKO, South Korea; UK, United Kingdom; USA, United States of America; VEN, Venezuela) as well as the viral host (Hu, human)](/eid/images/09-0497-F2.jpg)
Figure 2. Phylogenetic dendrogram of viral protein 4 (VP4) P[6] and P[8] rotaviruses at the amino acid level. Bootstraps values (1,000 replicates) >65% are shown. The strain name is prefixed by the country of origin (AUS, Australia; BRA, Brazil; BAN, Bangladesh; BEL, Belgium; DRC, Democratic Republic of Congo; GER, Germany; JAP, Japan; MAL, Malawi; PRC, People’s Republic of China; SKO, South Korea; UK, United Kingdom; USA, United States of America; VEN, Venezuela) as well as the viral host (Hu, human) and followed by the associated G genotype. Boldface indicates strains of this study. GenBank accession numbers of VP4 genes compared: P[6] B1711 ABU49763, CAU195 ABK62863, CAU214 ABK62864, Dhaka12–03 ABA34207, DRC86 AAY55972, M37 AAA57560, Matlab13–03 ABA34208, MMC147 ACJ54810, MMC24 ACJ54809, MMC29 ACJ54804, MW23 CAB92920, N26–02 ABA34209, NnB1 AAC68884, RV161–00 ABF67555, RV176–00 ABF67561, RV3 AAB05652, S12/85 AAC68883, SK277 ACJ54805, SK423 ACJ54803, ST3 ABV53292, US1205 AAC28852, XJ00–486 ABC49694, XJ99–468 ABC49698; P[8] 90–513 BAF80182, 95–87 BAA77555, B3458 ABV66093, B4633–03 ABA34205, CAU202 ABK62865, CAU219 ACD50869, D ABV53244, DH402 ACJ54815, Dhaka16–03 ABF50136, Dhaka25–02 ABA34206, DRC88 AAY55961, Hochi BAB32852, IAL28 ABV53260, KU BAE76023, MO BAA77543, P ABV53276, SK424 ACJ54811, SK430 ACJ54817, Wa AAA47290, Wi61 ABV53300, YO BAA77544.