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Volume 9, Number 5—May 2003

Pandemic Influenza and Healthcare Demand in the Netherlands: Scenario Analysis

Marianne L.L. van Genugten*Comments to Author , Marie-Louise A. Heijnen*, and Johannes C. Jager*
Author affiliations: *National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven, the Netherlands

Main Article

Table 3

Hospitalizations and deaths in the scenario analysis of influenza pandemica

Scenario No. of hospitalizations No. of deaths
Base case Gross attack rate 10% Gross attack rate 50% Base case Gross attack rate 10% Gross attack rate 50%
Nonintervention 10,186 3,395 16,977 4,040 1,347 6,733
Influenza vaccination
Total population 3,847 1,282 6,412 1,738 579 2,896
Risk groups 3,968 1,223 6,614 1,789 596 2,981
Pneumococcal vaccination 7,008 2,326 11,679 3,903 1,301 6,505
Neuraminidase inhibitors 5,093 1,698 8,489 2,020 673 3,367

aAssuming gross attack rates of 10% and 50%.

Main Article

Page created: December 08, 2010
Page updated: December 08, 2010
Page reviewed: December 08, 2010
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