Volume 15, Number 2—February 2009
European Bat Lyssavirus Transmission among Cats, Europe
Figure 1
![Phylogenetic tree comparing nucleotide sequences of A) nucleoprotein (372 nt, position 63 from the translation initiation site) and B) glycoprotein (547 nt, position 640 from the translation initiation site) genes of spillover transmission of European bat lyssavirus-1 (EBLV-1) in terrestrial mammals and human with representative isolates of the diversity of EBLV-1 in Europe. Cases described in this report are indicated by the arrows. For each dataset, we inferred a maximum clade credibility phyl](/eid/images/08-0637-F1.jpg)
Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree comparing nucleotide sequences of A) nucleoprotein (372 nt, position 63 from the translation initiation site) and B) glycoprotein (547 nt, position 640 from the translation initiation site) genes of spillover transmission of European bat lyssavirus-1 (EBLV-1) in terrestrial mammals and human with representative isolates of the diversity of EBLV-1 in Europe. Cases described in this report are indicated by the arrows. For each dataset, we inferred a maximum clade credibility phylogenetic tree by using the Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo method available in the Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis Sampling Trees software (http://beast.bio.ed.ac.uk). This analysis used a relaxed (uncorrelated lognormal) molecular clock and the HKY85 + Γ4 model of nucleotide substitution. All horizontal branches are scaled according to the number of substitutions per site. Bootstrap values are indicated at the nodes. All GenBank accession numbers corresponding to full-length or partial nucleoprotein and glycoprotein nucleotide sequences were previously described (2,10) except for nucleoprotein nucleotide sequences of isolates 03011FRA (EU636795), 04032FRA (EU636794), 05001FRA (EU636790), 05002FRA (EU636789), 06001FRA (EU636791), 06002FRA (EU636792), and 070057FRA (EU636793) and glycoprotein nucleotide sequences of isolates 03011FRA (EU636787) and 04032FRA (EU636788).
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