Volume 16, Number 11—November 2010
Genetic Structure of Plasmodium falciparum and Elimination of Malaria, Comoros Archipelago
Figure 1

Figure 1. Results of canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of Plasmodium falciparum populations from the islands of Grande Comore (GC), Moheli (MOH), Anjouan (ANJ), and Mayotte (MAY) and from Marseille, France (MARS), according to 6 microsatellite loci. CCA is used as a 2-dimensional representation of genetic distance between plasmodial populations assessed from 6 microsatellite loci (Pf2689, C4M79, Pf2802, 7A11, TRAP, and C4M69). This representation requires the projection of data from 6-dimensional space to 2-dimensional space. Canonical axes I and II of the new 2-dimensional space are calculated to conserve the highest genetic variance between populations after projection of data, and their significance was tested by Monte Carlo permutation that also enabled estimation of the 95% confidence intervals (ellipses) of the centroid (dots) of each population.