Host-Associated Absence of Human Puumala Virus Infections in Northern and Eastern Germany
Stephan Drewes, Hanan Sheikh Ali, Moritz Saxenhofer, Ulrike M. Rosenfeld, Florian Binder, Fabian Cuypers, Mathias Schlegel
1, Susanne Röhrs
2, Gerald Heckel, and Rainer G. Ulrich
Author affiliations: Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Greifswald-Insel Riems, Germany (S. Drewes, H. Sheikh Ali, U.M. Rosenfeld, F. Binder, F. Cuypers, M. Schlegel, S. Röhrs, R.G. Ulrich); Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan (H. Sheikh Ali); University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland (M. Saxenhofer, G. Heckel); Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Lausanne, Switzerland (M. Saxenhofer, G. Heckel)
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Figure 2
Figure 2. Phylogenetic relationships of European bank vole lineages. Sequences are categorized on the basis of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences and shown as a maximum clade credibility phylogenetic tree with posterior probabilities displayed for major nodes. Novel sequences are labeled with individual code and trapping site (Technical Appendix Table). Additional published sequences are included as references for bank vole evolutionary lineages, labeled with GenBank accession number followed by lineage indication. Phylogenetic analyses were performed with MrBayes version 3.2.2 ( on the CIPRES platform for 166 cytochrome b sequences of 843-bp length. A mixed nucleotide substitution matrix was specified in 4 independent runs of 107 generations for the data set. A burn-in fraction of 25% was discarded and samples were recorded every 103 generations. Cytochrome b sequences of M. rutilus and M. rufocanus voles were used as outgroups.
Main Article
Page created: December 14, 2016
Page updated: December 14, 2016
Page reviewed: December 14, 2016
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