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Volume 23, Number 12—December 2017

Avian Influenza A(H7N2) Virus in Human Exposed to Sick Cats, New York, USA, 2016

Atanaska Marinova-Petkova, Jen Laplante, Yunho Jang, Brian Lynch, Natosha Zanders, Marisela Rodriguez, Joyce Jones, Sharmi Thor, Erin Hodges, Juan A. De La Cruz, Jessica A. Belser, Hua Yang, Paul Carney, Bo Shu, LaShondra Berman, Thomas Stark, John Barnes, Fiona Havers, Patrick Yang, Susan C. Trock, Alicia Fry, Larisa Gubareva, Joseph S. Bresee, James Stevens, Demetre Daskalakis, Dakai Liu, Christopher Lee, Mia Kim Torchetti, Sandra Newbury, Francine Cigel, Kathy L. Toohey-Kurth, Kirsten St. George, David Wentworth, Stephen Lindstrom, and C. Todd DavisComments to Author 
Author affiliations: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (A. Marinova-Petkova, Y. Jang, B. Lynch, N. Zanders, M. Rodriguez, J. Jones, S. Thor, E. Hodges, J.A. De La Cruz, J. Belser, H. Yang, P. Carney, B. Shu, L. Berman, T. Stark, J. Barnes, F. Havers, P. Yang, S.C. Trock, A. Fry, L. Gubareva, J.S. Bresee, J. Stevens, D.E. Wentworth, S. Lindstrom, C.T. Davis); New York State Department of Health, Albany, New York, USA (J. Laplante, K. St. George); New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Long Island City, New York, USA (D. Daskalakis, D. Liu, C.T. Lee); US Department of Agriculture, Ames, Iowa, USA (M.K. Torchetti); University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA (S. Newbury, F. Cigel, K. Toohey-Kurth)

Main Article


Hemagglutination inhibition testing of influenza A(H7) virus isolated from cat and human in New York, NY, USA, 2016, and reference viruses*

Ferret antisera
Normal ferret serum
  A/goose/Nebraska/17097-4/11 H7N9 160 80 160 80 <10 <10
  A/turkey/Minnesota/0141354/09 H7N9 20 80 20 20 <10 <10
  A/turkey/Virginia/4529/02 H7N2 40 10 160 640 10 <10
  A/New York/107/03 H7N2 40 20 160 640 10 <10
  A/New York/108/16†
  A/feline/New York/16-040082-1/16 H7N2 40 10 80 80 320 <10

*Gray shading indicates homologous titers. α-, reference antiserum. GS/NE, A/goose/Nebraska/17097/-4/11; Tk/MN, A/turkey/Minnesota/0141354/09; Tk/VA, A/turkey/Virginia/4529/02; NY/107, A/New York/107/03; NY/108, A/New York/108/16.
†Virus isolated from human (veterinarian who experienced influenza-like illness after exposure to sick domestic cats at an animal shelter).

Main Article

Page created: November 16, 2017
Page updated: November 16, 2017
Page reviewed: November 16, 2017
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