Marion de Vries, Liesbeth Claassen, Margreet J.M. te Wierik, Susan van den Hof, Anne E.M. Brabers, Judith D. de Jong, Danielle R.M. Timmermans
1, and Aura Timen
Figure 1. Course of COVID-19 in the Netherlands, February 24–May 17, 2020. COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths are shown by week (data from Blue boxes labeled T1–T6 along baseline indicate timing of data collection for this study. Letters indicate implementations and relaxations of COVID-19 protective measures announced by the Netherlands government in press conferences on national television (data from and; a selection of the measures is shown): A) All residents asked to self-isolate after receiving a COVID-19 diagnosis or if living in a household with a confirmed COVID-19 patient. B) Residents of Noord-Brabant Province (southern Netherlands) asked to self-isolate when experiencing symptoms. C) All residents experiencing symptoms asked to self-isolate, work at home as much as possible, keep distance from others. Gatherings of >100 persons prohibited; various public places closed, including (pre) schools and universities, restaurants and bars, sports clubs. D) All residents asked to stay at home as much as possible, self-quarantine when someone in the household has a fever or dyspnea. All gatherings prohibited; professions that require direct contact, such as hairdressers and masseurs, prohibited; visiting nursing homes prohibited. In some areas, mayors can prohibit groups of >3 persons who do not maintain 1.5-m distance from each other (except members of the same household). Law-enforcement allowed to fine those who do not adhere to the measures. E) All measures extended through April 28. F) Children allowed to play sports outside in groups starting April 29. Preschools and primary schools reopen (partly) starting May 11. All other measures extended through May 19. G) Starting May 11, the advice “stay at home as much as possible” replaced with the advice “avoid crowds”; gatherings up to 30 persons allowed (with 1.5-m distance); most professions that require direct contact can resume working, with extra precautions. Not indicated: Starting June 1, restaurants and bars reopen (maximum 30 persons/establishment and with 1.5-m distance); primary schools reopen (all days of the week); gatherings up to 100 persons allowed (with 1.5-m distance). COVID-19, coronavirus disease.