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Volume 30, Number 10—October 2024

Early Introductions of Candida auris Detected by Wastewater Surveillance, Utah, USA, 2022–2023

Jorge Chavez12, Katherine Crank1, Casey Barber, Daniel Gerrity, Thomas Iverson, Joshua Mongillo3, Angela Weil, Linda Rider, Nathan Lacross, Kelly Oakeson, and Alessandro RossiComments to Author 
Author affiliations: Utah Department of Health and Human Services, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (J. Chavez, K. Crank, C. Barber, D. Gerrity, T. Iverson, J. Mongillo, A. Weil, L. Rider, N. Lacross, K. Oakeson, A. Rossi); Southern Nevada Water Authority, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (K. Crank, C. Barber, D. Gerrity)

Main Article

Table 2

Candida auris shedding model parameters and distributions

Parameter Unit Reported value Assumed distribution Reference Assumption
C. auris fecal shedding rate
Uniform: min = 104, max = 105
Based on neutropenic mouse model
Daily wet stool production

Truncated: log-normal (base e): μ = 4.763, ω = 0.471, min = 0, max = 520
Based on healthy persons
Wet fecal density
Point value: 1.06
C. auris urine shedding rate
Uniform: min = 102, max = 104
Based on the clinical definition of UTI for clean catch collection (e.g., >102 CFU/μL)
Daily urine production

Gamma: shape = 5.315, scale = 0.25, offset = +0.5
Based on healthy persons
C. auris qPCR:culture
Uniform: min = 3, max = 50
Based on the analysis of several NCBI deposited C. auris genomes and a value reported for C. albicans
Average WWTP flow rate mgd 12.73 ± 0.87 Normal: μ = 12.73, ο = 0.87 NA NA

*GC, gene copies; mgd, million gallons/day; NA, no assumption made; NCBI, National Center for Biotechnology Information; qPCR, quantitative PCR; UTI, urinary tract infection; WWTP, wastewater treatment plant.

Main Article

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Main Article

1These first authors contributed equally to this article.

2Current affiliation: Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

3Current affiliation: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Wilmington, North Carolina, USA.

Page created: August 28, 2024
Page updated: September 17, 2024
Page reviewed: September 17, 2024
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