Volume 30, Number 12—December 2024
Rio Mamore Hantavirus Endemicity, Peruvian Amazon, 2020
Figure 1

Figure 1. Locations and climate classifications related to study of Rio Mamore hantavirus endemicity in the Peruvian Amazon, 2020. A) Location of Peru (green) in South America. B) Regions in Peru where 3,400 serum samples from febrile patients were collected and stored during a dengue outbreak that overlapped with COVID-19 (24) in 3 diverse ecoregions: Loreto (Amazon; n = 1,972 samples), Lambayeque (coastal desert /dry forest; n = 743 samples), and Lima (coastal desert; n = 685 samples) (One Earth, https://www.oneearth.org). C) Climate classification regions of Peru and distribution of Oligoryzomys microtis small-eared rice rats (white dots) (https://www.gbif.org) (26). All maps were created by using QGIS 3.28.10 (https://hub.arcgis.com) based on freely available maps from Bucknell University.
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