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Volume 30, Number 12—December 2024

Rio Mamore Hantavirus Endemicity, Peruvian Amazon, 2020

Marta Piche-Ovares, Maria Paquita García, Andres Moreira-Soto, Maribel Dana Figueroa-Romero, Nancy Susy Merino-Sarmiento, Adolfo Ismael Marcelo-Ñique, Edward Málaga-Trillo, Dora Esther Valencia Manosalva, Miladi Gatty-Nogueira, César Augusto Cabezas Sanchez, and Jan Felix DrexlerComments to Author 
Author affiliation: Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany (M. Piche-Ovares, A. Moreira-Soto, J.F. Drexler); Instituto Nacional de Salud, Lima, Peru (M. Paquita García, M.D. Figueroa-Romero, N.S. Merino-Sarmiento, A.I. Marcelo-Ñique, C.A. Cabezas Sanchez); Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica (A. Moreira-Soto); Universidad Peruana Cayetano, Lima (E. Málaga-Trillo); Laboratorio de Referencia Regional de Salud Pública, Lambayeque, Peru (D.E. Valencia Manosalva); Laboratorio de Referencia Regional de Salud Pública, Loreto, Peru (M. Gatty-Nogueira); German Centre for Infection Research, Berlin, Germany (J.F. Drexler)

Main Article

Figure 5

Investigation of unspecific reactivity in serum samples positive in hantavirus IgG ELISA, Peru. A) OD450 in noncoated ELISA plate. B) Comparison of IgG ELISA reactivity for different viruses excluding the CMV-positive samples. Control group, n = 38 ; hantavirus IgG IFA-negative samples, n = 7; hantavirus IgG IFA-positive samples, n = 13. Tukey-style box plots are given with medians (thick lines within boxes) and interquartile ranges (box top and bottom or left and right edges); whiskers indicate 1.5 × interquartile range. CCHFV, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, CHIKV, chikungunya virus; CMV, cytomegalovirus; IFA, immunofluorescence assay; MAYV, Mayaro virus; MERS-CoV, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus; neg, negative; pos, positive; OD450, optical density at 450 nm; OROV, Oropouche virus.

Figure 5. Investigation of unspecific reactivity in serum samples positive in hantavirus IgG ELISA, Peru. A) OD450 in noncoated ELISA plate. B) Comparison of IgG ELISA reactivity for different viruses excluding the CMV-positive samples. Control group, n = 38 ; hantavirus IgG IFA-negative samples, n = 7; hantavirus IgG IFA-positive samples, n = 13. Tukey-style box plots are given with medians (thick lines within boxes) and interquartile ranges (box top and bottom or left and right edges); whiskers indicate 1.5 × interquartile range. CCHFV, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus, CHIKV, chikungunya virus; CMV, cytomegalovirus; IFA, immunofluorescence assay; MAYV, Mayaro virus; MERS-CoV, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus; neg, negative; pos, positive; OD450, optical density at 450 nm; OROV, Oropouche virus.

Main Article

Page created: October 25, 2024
Page updated: November 26, 2024
Page reviewed: November 26, 2024
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