Volume 17, Number 9—September 2011
Risk-based Estimate of Effect of Foodborne Diseases on Public Health, Greece
Table 6
Comparison of foodborne illness effects on public health in Greece with estimates from other countries*
Country (reference) | Target | Disease estimates per 1 million inhabitants | |||
All illnesses† | Hospitalizations | Deaths | DALY | ||
United States (3) | All causes | 270,057 | 1,155 | 18 | NA |
United States (18) | Known agents | 31,438 (90% CrI 22,074–42,475) | 187 (90% CrI 132–253) | 5 (90% CrI 2–8) | NA |
United States (40) | Unspecified agents | 128,404 (90% CrI 66,318–204,670) | 240 (90% CrI 33–526) | 6 (90% CrI 1–11) | NA |
England and Wales (29) | All causes | 26,161 | 406 | 9 | NA |
Australia (17) | Gastro | 281,250 (95% CrI 208,333–359,375) | 766 (95% CrI 594–922) | 4 (95% CrI 2–6) | NA |
The Netherlands (7) | All causes | 79,725–104,256 | NA | 1–12 | 184–613 |
New Zealand (39) | 6 agents‡ | 128,421 (95% CrI 34,801–330,075) | NA | NA | 632 (95% CrI 344–1,066) |
Greece (this study) | All causes | 369,305 (95% CrI 68,283–910,608) | 905 (95% CrI 499–1,340)§ | 3.1 (95% CrI 2.0–4.8) | 896 (95% CrI 470–1,461) |
Greece (this study) | Gastro only | 368,520 (95% CrI 67,536–909,457) | 812 (95% CrI 408–1,245)§ | 0.95 (95% CrI 0.52–1.4) | 308 (95% CrI 94–687) |
*Data have been normalized for population differences and are expressed per million inhabitants. DALY, disability-adjusted life years; NA, not available; CrI, credible interval; gastro, gastroenteritis.
†Credible interval not available for all studies.
‡The study was limited to campylobacteriosis, salmonellosis, listeriosis, infection with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, yersiniosis, and infection with norovirus.
§The reported/estimated cases of severe illness in this study can be considered to be approximately the same as hospitalizations.
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Page created: September 08, 2011
Page updated: September 08, 2011
Page reviewed: September 08, 2011
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