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Volume 23, Number 8—August 2017

Added Value of Next-Generation Sequencing for Multilocus Sequence Typing Analysis of a Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia Outbreak1

Elena Charpentier, Cécile Garnaud, Claire Wintenberger, Sébastien Bailly, Jean-Benjamin Murat2, John Rendu, Patricia Pavese, Thibault Drouet, Caroline Augier, Paolo Malvezzi, Anne Thiébaut-Bertrand, Marie-Reine Mallaret, Olivier Epaulard, Muriel Cornet, Sylvie Larrat, and Danièle MaubonComments to Author 
Author affiliations: Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble, France (E. Charpentier, C. Garnaud, C. Wintenberger, J.-B. Murat, J. Rendu, P. Pavese, T. Drouet, C. Augier, P. Malvezzi, A. Thiébaut-Bertrand, M.-R. Mallaret, O. Epaulard, M. Cornet, S. Larrat, D. Maubon); Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble (E. Charpentier, C. Garnaud, M.-R. Mallaret, O. Epaulard, M. Cornet, S. Larrat, D. Maubon); Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France (S. Bailly).

Main Article

Table 2

Results of next-generation multilocus sequence typing for the 3 targeted loci of Pneumocystis jirovecii strains in a study of a P. jirovecii pneumonia outbreak at a university hospital in France, 2014–2015*

Patient mtLSU
Final major genotype
No. reads No. haplotypes Major haplotype No. reads No. haplotypes Major haplotype No. reads No. haplotypes Major haplotype
T1 1,413 1 B 531 1 1 946 1 A B1a
T2 1,062 1 C 1,361 1 2 2,506 1 A C2a
T3 638 4 N 84 1 3 491 1 B N3b
T4 87 1 C 215 1 2 204 1 A C2a
T5 460 1 C 1,030 1 2 337 1 A C2a
T6 42 1 E 237 1 2 171 1 A E2a
T7 546 1 C 1,088 1 2 303 4 B C2b†
T8 606 2 C 1,136 2 2 808 1 A C2a
T9 194 1 C 160 1 2 8 1 B C2b
T10 415 1 C 1,360 1 2 898 1 A C2a
T11 420 3 O 370 2 1 298 3 B O1b
T12 658 9 F 809 4 3 781 1 A F3a
C1 318 3 P 1,046 1 3 1,268 1 A P3a
C2 422 8 B 339 4 3 364 2 A ND
C3 350 1 I 564 1 3 1,268 1 B I3b
C4 292 2 N 492 1 3 427 1 B N3b
C5 71 1 B 651 1 2 880 1 B B2b
C6 368 12 P 473 3 3 575 4 B ND
C7 153 2 F 103 2 3 54 4 A F3a
C8 383 5 I 697 2 3 653 4 B ND
C9 148 2 F 104 4 2 154 1 a F2a
C10 934 2 F 1,146 5 2 550 3 a F2a
C11 229 4 B 750 3 3 119 2 b B3b
C12 580 2 G 398 1 1 509 1 a G1a
C13 869 1 F 1,998 1 3 663 1 a F3a
C14 901 9 B 1,403 1 2 411 1 b B2b
C15 653 1 N 1,664 2 3 5 1 a N3a
C16 1,275 1 F 1,052 1 11 591 1 a F11a
C17 372 10 P 434 3 2 361 1 b ND
C18 296 1 F 271 1 3 15 3 b F3b
C19 948 2 F 795 4 1 494 1 a ND
C20 243 5 A 284 9 2 240 2 b ND

*T1–T12 indicate the 12 solid organ transplant patients from the cluster; C1–C20 indicate the 20 control patients. Underlined genotypes were included for Hunter Index calculation. CYTB, cytochrome b; mtLSU, mitochondrial large subunit of ribosomal RNA; ND, undetermined genotypes when haplotypes could not be cross-linked (multiple variants in >1 locus without any clear predominance); SOD, superoxide dismutase.
†Patient carrying the C2a genotype as a minor strain.

Main Article

1Preliminary results from this study were presented at the American Society for Microbiology Microbe 2016 Conference, June 16–20, 2016, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

2Current affiliation: Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Limoges, Limoges, France.

Page created: July 17, 2017
Page updated: July 17, 2017
Page reviewed: July 17, 2017
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