Volume 25, Number 5—May 2019
Lassa Virus Targeting of Anterior Uvea and Endothelium of Cornea and Conjunctiva in Eye of Guinea Pig Model
Figure 3

Figure 3. Mild mononuclear anterior uveitis in eyes of guinea pigs infected with Lassa virus (LASV) Josiah by hematoxylin and eosin stain in study of LASV targeting of anterior uvea and endothelium of cornea and conjunctiva in eye. A) Anterior uvea, conjunctiva, and cornea highlighting the mild inflammation and new vessel formation in the peripheral cornea. Original magnification ×4. B) New vessel formation of the peripheral cornea. Original magnification ×12. C) New vessel formation within the cornea highlighting the endothelial swelling and mixed inflammation. Original magnification ×20. D) The ciliary body, filtration angle, peripheral cornea, and a portion of the conjunctiva with mixed, mild, primarily lymphocytic inflammation in the filtration angle and around vessels in the conjunctiva, peripheral cornea, and sclera. Representative animal Jos-1. Original magnification ×6. E) Inflammation around conjunctival vessels at the margin of the cornea. Original magnification ×20. F) Mononuclear inflammation in the filtration angle and at the base of the ciliary body. Original magnification ×20. Representative animals: A–C, Jos-3; D–F, Jos-1.