Volume 25, Number 5—May 2019
Lassa Virus Targeting of Anterior Uvea and Endothelium of Cornea and Conjunctiva in Eye of Guinea Pig Model
Summary of ocular LASV staining and histopathologic findings in LASV-infected guinea pigs in study of LASV targeting of anterior uvea and endothelium of cornea and conjunctiva in eye*
Guinea pig | Age at D0/sex | dpi | Viral RNA† | IHC distribution | IHC score | H&E |
Jos-1‡ | 3 y 10 mo/F | 14 | 4.55 × 105 | Conjunctival endothelium and anterior uvea; eyelid epithelium and endothelium | +++/ ++++ | Mild conjunctivitis and anterior uveitis |
Jos-2 | 3 y 10 mo/M | 41 | 2.50 × 101 | None | − | Mild perivascular mononuclear inflammation, sclera |
Jos-3‡ | 2 y 5 mo/F | 20 | 1.32 × 105 | Anterior uvea, peripheral corneal endothelium | ++ | Neovascularization at corneal margin, mild conjunctivitis |
Jos-4‡ | 2 y 4 mo/F | 17 | 7.87 × 105 | Endothelium, conjunctiva, and peripheral cornea; anterior uvea | +++ | Neovascularization at corneal margin, mild conjunctivitis |
Jos-5‡ | 0 y 6 mo/M | 17 | 1.02 × 106 | Anterior uvea | ++ | Mild anterior uveitis |
Jos-6‡ | 0 y 6 mo/M | 18 | 5.32 × 105 | Anterior uvea | + | Mild neovascularization at corneal margin |
Jos-7‡ | 3 y 7 mo/F | 23 | 5.23 × 106 | Conjunctival endothelium and anterior uvea | ++ | Neovascularization at corneal margin, mild conjunctivitis, anterior uveitis |
Jos-8‡ | 3 y 3 mo/F | 21 | 2.02 × 106 | Anterior uvea, peripheral corneal endothelium | ++ | Neovascularization at corneal margin, anterior uveitis |
Jos-9‡ | 3 y 6 mo/M | 20 | 6.71 × 106 | Conjunctival and peripheral corneal endothelium and anterior uvea, eyelid and lacrimal gland | +++ | Neovascularization at corneal margin, moderate conjunctivitis, anterior uveitis |
Jos-10‡ | >2 y/M | 23 | 2.26 × 106 | Conjunctival and peripheral corneal endothelium and anterior uvea | ++ | Mild neovascularization at corneal margin, minimal anterior uveitis |
NJ2015-1 | 3 y 11 mo/F | 41 | BLD | None | − | Minimal heterophilic infiltrate at corneal margin |
NJ2015-2 | 3 y 8 mo/M | 41 | BLD | None | − | NSF |
NJ2015-3 | 2 y 5 mo/F | 41 | BLD | None | − | NSF |
NJ2015-4 | 2 y 4 mo/F | 41 | BLD | None | − | NSF |
NJ2015-5 | 0 y 6 mo/M | 41 | 1.54 × 102 | None | − | Minimal heterophilic infiltrate at corneal margin, minimal chronic anterior uveitis |
NJ2015-6 | 0 y 6 mo/M | 41 | 4.28 × 102 | None | − | Mild anterior uveitis |
*All survivors were euthanized at end of study (41 dpi). BLD, below limit of detection (<5 copies); D0, day 0; dpi, days postinfection; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin staining; IHC, immunohistochemical; Jos, guinea pig infected with recombinant LASV-Josiah; LASV, Lassa virus; NJ2015, guinea pig infected with recombinant LASV 812673-LBR-USA-2015; NSF, no significant findings; −, negative results at staining; +, mild immunostaining; ++, moderate immunostaining; +++/++++, abundant immunostaining.
†LASV small segment copies in the eye quantified per millileter of eluted RNA.
‡Guinea pig euthanized because of disease.