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Volume 26, Number 12—December 2020

Sensitive Detection of SARS-CoV-2–Specific Antibodies in Dried Blood Spot Samples

Gabriella L. Morley, Stephen Taylor, Sian Jossi, Marisol Perez-Toledo, Sian E. Faustini, Edith Marcial-Juarez, Adrian M. Shields, Margaret Goodall, Joel D. Allen, Yasunori Watanabe, Maddy L. Newby, Max Crispin, Mark T. Drayson, Adam F. Cunningham, Alex G. Richter1, and Matthew K. O’Shea1Comments to Author 
Author affiliations: University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK (G.L. Morley, S. Taylor, S. Jossi, M. Perez-Toledo, S.E. Faustini, E. Marcial-Juarez, A.M. Shields, M. Goodall, M.T. Drayson, A.F. Cunningham, A.G. Richter, M.K. O’Shea); The Saving Lives Charity, Birmingham (S. Taylor); University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham (S. Taylor, A.M. Shields, A.G. Richter, M.K. O’Shea); University of Southampton, Southampton, UK (J.D. Allen, Y. Watanabe, M.L. Newby, M. Crispin); University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (Y. Watanabe)

Main Article

Table 2

4x4 table of DBS eluate SARS-CoV-2 ELISA sensitivity and specificity, relative to serum samples*

Sample type
+ 52 0

Sensitivity, % (95% CI) 98.11 (89.93–99.95)
Specificity, % (95% CI) 100 (88.78–100.00)
PPV, % 100
NPV, % (95% CI) 96.88 (81.65–99.54)
Cohen’s kappa coefficient (95% CI)
0.975 (0.925–1.00)

*Includes 87 matched DBS and serum samples tested for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 anti-spike glycoprotein; positive or negative matched samples (n = 84) were included, and equivocal results (n = 3) were excluded from the sensitivity and specificity analysis. DBS, dried blood spot; NPV, negative predictive value; PPV, positive predictive value; SARS-CoV-2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

Main Article

1These senior authors contributed equally to this article.

Page created: September 11, 2020
Page updated: November 19, 2020
Page reviewed: November 19, 2020
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