Disclaimer: Early release articles are not considered as final versions. Any changes will be reflected in the online version in the month the article is officially released.
Volume 31, Number 2—February 2025
Prions in Muscles of Cervids with Chronic Wasting Disease, Norway
Table 2
Summary of PMCA amplification of prions in selected peripheral tissues from CWD-affected reindeer, moose, and a red deer with different strains in a study of prions in muscles of cervids with CWD, Norway*
Tissues or organs |
Reindeer |
Moose |
Red deer |
A |
B |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Lymph nodes |
Retropharyngeal |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Amp |
NA |
NA |
Amp |
Parotid |
Amp |
Amp |
Amp, inf |
NA |
Amp |
NA |
NA |
Mandibular |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
No Amp |
NA |
Prescapular |
Amp |
Amp |
NA |
NA |
No amp, no inf |
Inc |
No amp, no inf |
Axillary |
NA |
NA |
Amp |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
Popliteal |
Amp |
Amp |
No amp, no inf |
NA |
No amp |
No amp |
NA |
Peripheral nerves |
Brachial plexus |
Amp |
NA |
Amp |
NA |
Amp |
NA |
Amp |
Ischiadic nerve |
Amp |
Amp |
Amp |
NA |
Amp |
Amp |
Amp |
Optic nerve |
Amp |
NA |
Amp |
NA |
Amp |
NA |
Amp |
Muscles |
Masseter |
Amp |
Amp |
Amp |
Amp |
Amp |
Amp |
Amp |
Triceps brachii |
Inc |
No amp |
Amp |
Amp |
Amp |
Inc |
Amp |
Psoas |
Amp |
Amp |
Amp |
Amp |
Amp |
No amp |
No amp |
Longissimus dorsi |
Amp |
NA |
Amp, no inf |
Amp |
Amp, no Inf |
No amp |
Inc |
Semitendinosus |
No amp |
NA |
No amp |
Amp |
Amp |
No amp |
No amp |
Ocular |
Amp |
NA |
Amp, inf |
NA |
Amp |
NA |
Amp |
Lingual |
Amp |
Amp |
Amp |
NA |
Amp |
NA |
Amp |
Cardiac | Amp | Amp | NA | Amp | No amp | No amp | NA |
*Amp, positive amplification; CWD, chronic wasting disease; inc, inconclusive results due to inconsistencies in the 2 laboratories; inf, positive infectivity in Bv109I voles; NA, not available/not tested; no amp, no amplification; no inf, no infectivity in Bv109I voles; PMCA, protein misfolding cyclic amplification.
1These first authors contributed equally to this article.
2These authors are co–senior authors.