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Volume 31, Number 3—March 2025
Model-Based Analysis of Impact, Costs, and Cost-Effectiveness of Tuberculosis Outbreak Investigations, United States
Table 2
Descriptions, estimates and uncertainty ranges for parameters describing TB natural history, costs of TB outbreak investigations, and cost-effectiveness evaluation in study of impact, costs, and cost-effectiveness of TB outbreak investigations, United States*
Model parameters | Point estimate | Lower value | Upper value | Sources and additional notes |
Characterization of TB natural history and the impact of intervention | ||||
% Contacts who will develop TB within 5 years after infection | 6.6% | 3% | 15% | Based on estimates of reactivation of LTBI among recent exposure (14) and among close contacts of TB patients (15). Lower value of 3% reflects uncertainty in the recency of the infection among contacts. |
Efficacy of completed LTBI treatment | 93% | 70% | 95% | Estimates from 9H trial and noninferiority of 3HP compared with 9H (16,17). |
R0 of cases detected during outbreak investigation | 0.29 | 0.15 | 1.5 | R0 of 0.29 from Shrestha et al. (12). Upper value of 1.5 for R0reflects outbreak settings with higher transmission. |
% Reduction in infectious period through early detection |
50% |
25% |
75% |
Modeled as reduction in R0 based on higher case detection and notification in contact investigations (18), resulting in reduction in delays in TB diagnosis, a contributor to outbreaks (2). |
Unit cost estimates, 2022 US$ | ||||
Cost of PCR-based genotyping, per isolate | $35 | $25 | $50 | CDC (culture, typing, and identification by nucleic acid probe, amplified probe technique) (19) |
Cost of outbreak investigation, cost per contact during outbreak investigation† | $151 | $86 | $225 | Unpublished data from 2 outbreaks in California (average cost of $106 per contact (2014 US$) (T. Shaw, unpub. data) (Appendix); unpublished CDC data reports mean cost of $175.90 ($78.00–$293.50) (2022 US$) (20). |
Cost of LTBI testing per contact | $71 | $60 | $80 | Includes costs of IGRA LTBI testing, and costs of chest radiograph and TB test to rule out TB disease among those testing positive for IGRA (19,21,22). |
Cost of LTBI treatment per infected contact | $515 | $300 | $700 | Includes costs of 3HP (23), laboratory testing, and toxicity both requiring and not requiring hospitalization (24). Assumes toxicity among 3.2% (20) of persons receiving LTBI treatment (25), and 0.015% requiring hospitalization (26). |
Cost of TB treatment per contact with disease |
$23,543 |
$15,000 |
$30,000 |
Direct TB treatment costs for non–MDR TB (27) |
QALY estimates | ||||
Annual discount rate | 3% | Assumption | ||
QALYs gained per TB case averted | 1.16 | 0.74 | 1.39 | Assumes 4.7% average mortality among people with TB, 36.3 years of average life expectancy at TB diagnosis, and health utility of 0.76 during TB treatment (28)‡; |
QALYs lost per LTBI treatment | 0.002 | 0.0015 | 0.0025 | Jo et al. (20)§ |
*3HP, 3 months of isoniazid and rifapentine; 9H, 9 months of isoniazid; ARPE, Aggregate Reports for Program Evaluation; CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; IGRA, interferon-gamma release assay; LTBI, latent TB infection; MDR, multidrug resistant; QALY, quality-adjusted life-years; TB, tuberculosis. †Excludes costs associated with TB and LTBI treatment. ‡See Appendix for details on TB mortality rates; other data were incorporated to construct the range. §QALY estimate assumes toxicity among 3.2% of persons receiving LTBI treatment (25), and 0.015% requiring hospitalization (26).
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