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Volume 31, Number 4—April 2025
Neutralizing Antibodies against California Serogroup Orthobunyaviruses in Human Serum Samples, Montana, USA
Figure 4

Figure 4. Numbers and percentages of positive samples in a study of neutralizing antibodies against California serogroup orthobunyaviruses in human serum samples, Montana, USA. A) Number of positive and negative samples among 694 tested (excluding samples that could not be analyzed by subsequent screening), 23% of all samples with neutralizing antibody responses. B) Percentage of each virus in 100 samples analyzed from the East region, regardless of their initial positivity to JCV. These samples were analyzed independently for neutralizing antibodies against LACV, CEV, JCV, SSHV, TVTV, and CVV; 60% of positive samples were for positive for JCV or CEV or dual positive for CEV and JCV. CEV, California encephalitis virus; CVV, Cache Valley virus; JCV, James Canyon virus; LACV, La Crosse virus; SSHV, snowshoe hare virus; TVTV, Trivittatus virus.
1These first authors contributed equally to this article.
2Current affiliation: Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana, USA