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Article Information — Australia

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Title Volume Issue Article Type Year Month
Chikungunya Virus Infection in Traveler to Australia 13 3 Letter 2007 3
Norovirus GII.4 Strains and Outbreaks, Australia 13 7 Letter 2007 7
Infection with Scedosporium apiospermum and S. prolificans, Australia 13 8 Research 2007 8
Risk Factors for Mycobacterium ulcerans Infection, Southeastern Australia 13 11 Research 2007 11
Mycobacterium ulcerans in Mosquitoes Captured during Outbreak of Buruli Ulcer, Southeastern Australia 13 11 Research 2007 11
Severe Spotted Fever Group Rickettsiosis, Australia 13 11 Dispatch 2007 11
Bartonella australis sp. nov. from Kangaroos, Australia 13 12 Letter 2007 12
Population-Attributable Risk Estimates for Risk Factors Associated with Campylobacter Infection, Australia 14 6 Research 2008 6
Estimating Community Incidence of Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Shiga Toxin–producing Escherichia coli Infections, Australia 14 10 Research 2008 10
Novel Measles Virus Genotype, East Timor and Australia 8 7 Dispatch 2002 7
Domestic Pigs and Japanese Encephalitis Virus Infection, Australia 14 11 Dispatch 2008 11
Prior Evidence of Putative Novel Rhinovirus Species, Australia 14 11 Letter 2008 11
Reexamination of Human Rabies Case with Long Incubation, Australia 14 12 Letter 2008 12
Etiology of Encephalitis in Australia, 1990–2007 15 9 Research 2009 9
Scrub Typhus in the Torres Strait Islands of North Queensland, Australia 9 4 Dispatch 2003 4
Diagnosis of Queensland Tick Typhus and African Tick Bite Fever by PCR of Lesion Swabs 15 6 Dispatch 2009 6
Novel Rickettsia in Ticks, Tasmania, Australia 15 10 Dispatch 2009 10
Screening Practices for Infectious Diseases among Burmese Refugees in Australia 15 11 Research 2009 11
Correlation between Buruli Ulcer and Vector-borne Notifiable Diseases, Victoria, Australia 15 4 Letter 2009 4
Human Hendra Virus Encephalitis Associated with Equine Outbreak, Australia, 2008 16 2 Research 2010 2
Hendra Virus Outbreak with Novel Clinical Features, Australia 16 2 Dispatch 2010 2
Potential Human Exposure to Australian Bat Lyssavirus, Queensland, 1996-1999 6 3 Research 2000 6
Population-Attributable Risk Estimates for Campylobacter Infection, Australia 15 5 Letter 2009 5
Epidemiologic Questions from Anthrax Outbreak, Hunter Valley, Australia 15 5 Letter 2009 5
Mycobacterium ulcerans Treatment Costs, Australia 10 6 Research 2004 6
Genome Sequence Conservation of Hendra Virus Isolates during Spillover to Horses, Australia 16 11 Dispatch 2010 11
Rotavirus Serotype G9P[8] and Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak in Children, Northern Australia 10 9 Research 2004 9
Responses to Pandemic (H1N1) 2009, Australia 16 8 Research 2010 8
Meningitis and a Febrile Vomiting illness Caused by Echovirus Type 4, Northern Territory, Australia 16 1 Research 2010 1
Mycobacterium lentiflavum in Drinking Water Supplies, Australia 17 3 Research 2011 3
Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Risk for Frontline Health Care Workers 17 6 Research 2011 6
Reality Check of Laboratory Service Effectiveness during Pandemic (H1N1) 2009, Victoria, Australia 17 6 Synopsis 2011 6
Case–Control Study of Risk Factors for Hospitalization Caused by Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 17 8 Research 2011 8
Melioidosis in Birds and Burkholderia pseudomallei Dispersal, Australia 17 7 Letter 2011 7
Epidemiology of Influenza-like Illness during Pandemic (H1N1) 2009, New South Wales, Australia 17 7 Research 2011 7
All-Cause Mortality during First Wave of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009, New South Wales, Australia, 2009 16 9 Research 2010 9
Comparison of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 and Seasonal Influenza, Western Australia, 2009 16 9 Research 2010 9
Surveillance and Analysis of Avian Influenza Viruses, Australia 16 12 Research 2010 12
Intrahousehold Transmission of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Virus, Victoria, Australia 17 9 Research 2011 9
Epidemiologic Modeling with FluSurge for Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Outbreak, Queensland, Australia 17 9 Research 2011 9
Differential Effects of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 on Remote and Indigenous Groups, Northern Territory, Australia, 2009 17 9 Research 2011 9
Bacterial Causes of Empyema in Children, Australia, 2007–2009 17 10 Research 2011 10
Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 and Seasonal Influenza A (H3N2) in Children’s Hospital, Australia 17 10 Letter 2011 10
Use of Workplace Absenteeism Surveillance Data for Outbreak Detection 17 10 Letter 2011 10
Active Surveillance of Candidemia, Australia 12 10 Research 2006 10
Etymologia: Q Fever 17 12 Etymologia 2011 12
Experimental Infection of Horses with Hendra Virus/Australia/Horse/2008/Redlands 17 12 Research 2011 12
Unexpected Result of Hendra Virus Outbreaks for Veterinarians, Queensland, Australia 18 1 Dispatch 2012 1
Infectious Diseases: A Clinical Approach, 2nd Edition 12 6 Books and Media 2006 6
Rickettsia felis in Fleas, Western Australia 12 5 Dispatch 2006 5
Foodborne and Waterborne Infections in Elderly Community and Long-Term Care Facility Residents, Victoria, Australia 18 3 Research 2012 3
Myxozoan Parasite in Brain of Critically Endangered Frog 18 4 Letter 2012 4
Australian Public and Smallpox 11 11 Dispatch 2005 11
Influenza Virus A (H10N7) in Chickens and Poultry Abattoir Workers, Australia 18 5 Dispatch 2012 5
Characterization of Virulent West Nile Virus Kunjin Strain, Australia, 2011 18 5 Research 2012 5
Hepatitis E Infections, Victoria, Australia 11 3 Dispatch 2005 3
Wind-Blown Mosquitoes and Introduction of Japanese Encephalitis into Australia 7 5 Dispatch 2001 10
Salmonellosis Outbreak Traced to Playground Sand, Australia, 2007–2009 18 7 Dispatch 2012 7
Francisella tularensis Subspecies holarctica, Tasmania, Australia, 2011 18 9 Dispatch 2012 9
No Evidence of Prolonged Hendra Virus Shedding by 2 Patients, Australia 18 12 Dispatch 2012 12
Control of Fluoroquinolone Resistance through Successful Regulation, Australia 18 9 Policy Review 2012 9
Sources of Dengue Viruses Imported into Queensland, Australia, 2002–2010 18 11 Research 2012 11
Effect of Latitude on Seasonality of Tuberculosis, Australia, 2002–2011 18 11 Dispatch 2012 11
Cygnet River Virus, a Novel Orthomyxovirus from Ducks, Australia 18 12 Dispatch 2012 12
Seroepidemiologic Effects of Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 in Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore 19 1 Research 2013 1
Microsporidial Keratoconjunctivitis Outbreak among Athletes from Hong Kong Who Visited Singapore, 2012 19 3 Letter 2013 3
Henipaviruses and Fruit Bats, Papua New Guinea 19 4 Letter 2013 4
Novel Molecular Type of Clostridium difficile in Neonatal Pigs, Western Australia 19 5 Dispatch 2013 5
Implications of Dengue Outbreaks for Blood Supply, Australia 19 5 Dispatch 2013 5
Novel G10P[14] Rotavirus Strain, Northern Territory, Australia 19 8 Dispatch 2013 8
Mycobacterium chelonae Abscesses Associated with Biomesotherapy, Australia, 2008 19 9 Dispatch 2013 9
Variant Human T-cell Lymphotropic Virus Type 1c and Adult T-cell Leukemia, Australia 19 10 Dispatch 2013 10
Hendra Virus Vaccine, a One Health Approach to Protecting Horse, Human, and Environmental Health 20 3 Research 2014 3
Anncaliia algerae Microsporidial Myositis 20 2 Synopsis 2014 2
Rapid Increase in Pertactin-deficient Bordetella pertussis Isolates, Australia 20 4 Research 2014 4
Cetacean Morbillivirus in Coastal Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins, Western Australia 20 4 Dispatch 2014 4
Novel Phlebovirus with Zoonotic Potential Isolated from Ticks, Australia 20 6 Dispatch 2014 6
Iatrogenic Meningitis Caused by Neisseria sicca/subflava after Intrathecal Contrast Injection, Australia 20 6 Dispatch 2014 6
Rapidly Growing Mycobacteria Associated with Laparoscopic Gastric Banding, Australia, 2005–2011 20 10 Synopsis 2014 10
Foodborne Illness, Australia, Circa 2000 and Circa 2010 20 11 Research 2014 11
Mycobacterium ulcerans Infection Imported from Australia to Missouri, USA, 2012 20 11 Dispatch 2014 11
Hepatitis E Virus and Implications for Blood Supply Safety, Australia 20 11 Letter 2014 11
Sequelae of Foodborne Illness Caused by 5 Pathogens, Australia, Circa 2010 20 11 Research 2014 11
Burkholderia pseudomallei Sequence Type 562 in China and Australia 21 1 Letter 2015 1
Australia’s War against Rabbits: The Story of Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease 21 4 Books and Media 2015 4
Readability of Ebola Information on Websites of Public Health Agencies, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Europe 21 7 Dispatch 2015 7
Endemic Melioidosis in Residents of Desert Region after Atypically Intense Rainfall in Central Australia, 2011 21 6 Dispatch 2015 6
Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus among Prisoners, Australia, 2005–2012 21 5 Research 2015 5
Parechovirus Genotype 3 Outbreak among Infants, New South Wales, Australia, 2013–2014 21 7 Research 2015 7
Encephalitis-Associated Human Metapneumovirus Pneumonia in Adult, Australia 21 11 Dispatch 2015 11
Hendra Virus Infection in Dog, Australia, 2013 21 12 Dispatch 2015 12
Hunter Island Group Phlebovirus in Ticks, Australia 21 12 Letter 2015 12
Use of Whole-Genome Sequencing to Link Burkholderia pseudomallei from Air Sampling to Mediastinal Melioidosis, Australia 21 11 Dispatch 2015 11
Emerging Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus 2 (RHDVb), Australia 21 12 Letter 2015 12
Genetic Characterization of Archived Bunyaviruses and their Potential for Emergence in Australia 22 5 Research 2016 5
Virulence and Evolution of West Nile Virus, Australia, 1960–2012 22 8 Research 2016 8
Rare Human Infection with Pacific Broad Tapeworm Adenocephalus pacificus, Australia 22 8 Letter 2016 8
Increase in Meningococcal Serogroup W Disease, Victoria, Australia, 2013–2015 22 10 Dispatch 2016 10
Community-Acquired Clostridium difficile Infection, Queensland, Australia 22 9 Letter 2016 9
Highly Divergent Dengue Virus Type 2 in Traveler Returning from Borneo to Australia 22 12 Dispatch 2016 12
Fatal Infection with Murray Valley Encephalitis Virus Imported from Australia to Canada, 2011 23 2 Dispatch 2017 2
Exposure Risk for Infection and Lack of Human-to-Human Transmission of Mycobacterium ulcerans Disease, Australia 23 5 Dispatch 2017 5
Increased Proinflammatory Cytokine Levels in Prolonged Arthralgia in Ross River Virus Infection 23 4 Research Letter 2017 4
Increasing Macrolide and Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Mycoplasma genitalium 23 5 Dispatch 2017 5
Francisella tularensis ssp. holarctica in Ringtail Possums, Australia 23 7 Dispatch 2017 7
Genomic Characterization of Recrudescent Plasmodium malariae after Treatment with Artemether/Lumefantrine 23 8 Research 2017 8
Locally Acquired mcr-1 in Escherichia coli, Australia, 2011 and 2013 23 7 Dispatch 2017 7
Characterization of Fitzroy River Virus and Serologic Evidence of Human and Animal Infection 23 8 Research 2017 8
Clonal Expansion of New Penicillin-Resistant Clade of Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup W Clonal Complex 11, Australia 23 8 Dispatch 2017 8
Global Spread of Norovirus GII.17 Kawasaki 308, 2014–2016 23 8 Dispatch 2017 8
Detection of Elizabethkingia spp. in Culicoides Biting Midges, Australia 23 8 Research Letter 2017 8
Myocarditis Caused by Human Parechovirus in Adult 23 9 Dispatch 2017 9
Mild Illness during Outbreak of Shiga Toxin−Producing Escherichia coli O157 Infections Associated with Agricultural Show, Australia 23 10 Dispatch 2017 10
Emergence of Barmah Forest Virus in Western Australia 1 1 Dispatch 1995 1
A Novel Morbillivirus Pneumonia of Horses and its Transmission to Humans 1 1 Dispatch 1995 1
Communicable Diseases Intelligence 1 1 News and Notes 1995 1
Japanese Encephalitis Acquired in Australia 1 3 News and Notes 1995 7
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Due to Shiga-like Toxin Producing Escherichia coli O48:H21 in South Australia 1 4 Dispatch 1995 10
Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome 1 4 Commentary 1995 10
Another Human Case of Equine Morbillivirus Disease in Australia 2 1 News and Notes 1996 1
An Outbreak of Ross River Virus Disease in Southwestern Australia 2 2 Dispatch 1996 4
An Outbreak of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome due to Escherichia coli O157:H-: Or Was It? 2 2 Letter 1996 4
Serologic Evidence for the Presence in Pteropus Bats of a Paramyxovirus Related to Equine Morbillivirus 2 3 Dispatch 1996 7
Encephalitis Caused by a Lyssavirus in Fruit Bats in Australia 2 4 Dispatch 1996 10
Invasive Haemophilus influenzae Type B Disease in Elderly Nursing Home Residents: Two Related Cases 3 2 Dispatch 1997 6
Emerging and Reemerging Helminthiases and the Public Health of China 3 3 Perspective 1997 9
Quantitative Microbiology: A Basis for Food Safety 3 4 Perspective 1997 12
Zoonotic Tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis in Developing Countries 4 1 Synopsis 1998 3
Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease 4 2 Letter 1998 6
Provide a Context for Disease Emergence 4 2 Letter 1998 6
An Apparently New Virus (Family Paramyxoviridae) Infectious for Pigs, Humans, and Fruit Bats 4 2 Dispatch 1998 6
Probable Human Infection with a Newly Described Virus in the Family Paramyxoviridae 4 2 Dispatch 1998 6
Global Surveillance of Communicable Diseases 4 3 Perspective 1998 9
Malaria: A Reemerging Disease in Africa 4 3 Perspective 1998 9
New Orientia tsutsugamushi Strain from Scrub Typhus in Australia 4 4 Dispatch 1998 12
International Editors: Emerging Viral Diseases: An Australian Perspective 5 1 Perspective 1999 2
Australian Bat Lyssavirus Infection in a Captive Juvenile Black Flying Fox 5 3 Dispatch 1999 6
Emerging Infectious Diseases and Amphibian Population Declines 5 6 Perspective 1999 12
Specimen Collection for Electron Microscopy 5 6 Letter 1999 12
Molecular Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Northern Territory, Australia 23 9 Research 2017 9
Mycobacterium orygis Lymphadenitis in New York, USA 23 10 Research Letter 2017 10
Mycobacterium ulcerans DNA in Bandicoot Excreta in Buruli Ulcer–Endemic Area, Northern Queensland, Australia 23 12 Dispatch 2017 12
Detection of Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia DNA by Deep Sequencing 23 11 Research Letter 2017 11
Mycoplasma genitalium Infection in Adults Reporting Sexual Contact with Infected Partners, Australia, 2008–2016 23 11 Research 2017 11
Increased Severity and Spread of Mycobacterium ulcerans, Southeastern Australia 24 1 Research 2018 1
Phylogenetic Analysis of Klebsiella pneumoniae from Hospitalized Children, Pakistan 23 11 Dispatch 2017 11
Mycobacterium shimoidei, a Rare Pulmonary Pathogen, Queensland, Australia 23 11 Research Letter 2017 11
Melioidosis, Singapore, 2003–2014 24 1 Dispatch 2018 1
Burkholderia pseudomallei Traced to Water Treatment Plant in Australia 6 1 Dispatch 2000 2
Antimicrobial Resistance 6 4 Letter 2000 8
Fecal Colonization with Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci in Australia 6 5 Dispatch 2000 10
Candida dubliniensis Candidemia in Australia 7 3 Letter 2001 6
The Relationships between West Nile and Kunjin Viruses 7 4 Perspective 2001 8
Emerging Viral Diseases of Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific 7 7 Conference Summary 2001 6
Emerging Infectious Diseases Among Indigenous Peoples 7 7 Conference Summary 2001 6
Sequence Analysis of Toxin Gene–Bearing Corynebacterium diphtheriae Strains, Australia 23 1 Dispatch 2017 1
Frequent Transmission of Gonorrhea in Men Who Have Sex with Men 23 1 Dispatch 2017 1
Worldwide Endemicity of a Multidrug-Resistant Staphylococcus capitis Clone Involved in Neonatal Sepsis 23 3 Research Letter 2017 3
Translation of Real-Time Infectious Disease Modeling into Routine Public Health Practice 23 5 Online Report 2017 5
Increased Neurotropic Threat from Burkholderia pseudomallei Strains with a B. mallei–like Variation in the bimA Motility Gene, Australia 23 5 Research 2017 5
Randomized Controlled Trial of Active Physician-Based Surveillance of Foodborne Illness 8 1 Letter 2002 1
Shigellosis Linked to Sex Venues, Australia 8 8 Dispatch 2002 8
Global Distribution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Spoligotypes 8 11 Dispatch 2002 11
Human Pathogens in Body and Head Lice 8 12 Dispatch 2002 12
Use of Pristinamycin for Macrolide-Resistant Mycoplasma genitalium Infection 24 2 Research 2018 2
Public Health Surveillance for Australian bat lyssavirus in Queensland, Australia, 2000–2001 9 2 Dispatch 2003 2
Photorhabdus Species: Bioluminescent Bacteria as Human Pathogens? 9 2 Dispatch 2003 2
Molecular Typing of IberoAmerican Cryptococcus neoformans Isolates 9 2 Research 2003 2
Molecular Epidemiology of Human Enterovirus 71 Strains and Recent Outbreaks in the Asia-Pacific Region: Comparative Analysis of the VP1 and VP4 Genes 9 4 Research 2003 4
Community-Acquired Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Carrying Panton-Valentine Leukocidin Genes: Worldwide Emergence 9 8 Research 2003 8
Survival of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Water: Quarantine and Disease Control Implications 9 8 Research 2003 8
Fluoroquinolone Resistance in Campylobacter Absent from Isolates, Australia 9 11 Dispatch 2003 11
Intensity of Rainfall and Severity of Melioidosis, Australia 9 12 Research 2003 12
Detection and Circulation of a Novel Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus in Australia 24 1 Research 2018 1
Cronobacter sakazakii Infection from Expressed Breast Milk, Australia 24 2 Research Letter 2018 2
Influence of Population Immunosuppression and Past Vaccination on Smallpox Reemergence 24 4 Research 2018 4
Cooperative Recognition of Internationally Disseminated Ceftriaxone-Resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae Strain 24 4 Research 2018 4
Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella enterica 4,[5],12:i:- Sequence Type 34, New South Wales, Australia, 2016–2017 24 4 Dispatch 2018 4
Three Rickettsioses, Darnley Island, Australia 13 7 Dispatch 2007 7
Outbreak of Sporotrichosis, Western Australia 13 8 Dispatch 2007 8
Epidemiology of Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis in Tropical Communities, Northern Australia 13 11 Research 2007 11
Molecular Typing of Australian Scedosporium Isolates Showing Genetic Variability and Numerous S. aurantiacum 14 2 Research 2008 2
Invasive Amebiasis in Men Who Have Sex with Men, Australia 14 7 Dispatch 2008 7
Imported Case of Poliomyelitis, Melbourne, Australia, 2007 15 1 Dispatch 2009 1
Avian Bornaviruses in Psittacine Birds from Europe and Australia with Proventricular Dilatation Disease 15 9 Research 2009 9
Public Health Response to Imported Case of Poliomyelitis, Australia, 2007 15 11 Synopsis 2009 11
Segniliparus rugosus Infection, Australia 15 4 Letter 2009 4
Household Responses to Pandemic (H1N1) 2009–related School Closures, Perth, Western Australia 16 2 Research 2010 2
Influenza Epidemics in the United States, France, and Australia, 1972–1997 10 1 Research 2004 1
Influenza Virus Transmission from Horses to Dogs, Australia 16 4 Dispatch 2010 4
Oseltamivir Resistance in Adult Oncology and Hematology Patients Infected with Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Virus, Australia 16 7 Synopsis 2010 7
Escherichia coli and Community-acquired Gastroenteritis, Melbourne, Australia 10 10 Research 2004 10
Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia, Australia 11 4 Research 2005 4
Burkholderia pseudomallei in Unchlorinated Domestic Bore Water, Tropical Northern Australia 17 7 Dispatch 2011 7
Effectiveness of Seasonal Influenza Vaccine against Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Virus, Australia, 2010 17 7 Research 2011 7
Wildlife-associated Cryptosporidium fayeri in Human, Australia 16 12 Letter 2010 12
Online Flutracking Survey of Influenza-like Illness during Pandemic (H1N1) 2009, Australia 16 12 Dispatch 2010 12
Human Metapneumovirus, Australia, 2001–2004 12 8 Dispatch 2006 8
Flinders Island Spotted Fever Rickettsioses Caused by “marmionii” Strain of Rickettsia honei, Eastern Australia 13 4 Research 2007 4
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Clones, Western Australia 12 2 Research 2006 2
Genetic Diversity of Sapovirus in Children, Australia 12 1 Dispatch 2006 1
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Western Australia 11 10 Research 2005 10
Estimating Foodborne Gastroenteritis, Australia 11 8 Research 2005 8
Building Influenza Surveillance Pyramids in Near Real Time, Australia 19 11 Dispatch 2013 11
Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreak on a Merchant Vessel, Indian Ocean, Australia, 2015 24 7 Dispatch 2018 7
Invasive Colonic Entamoebiasis in Wild Cane Toads, Australia 24 8 Dispatch 2018 8
Direct Detection of penA Gene Associated with Ceftriaxone-Resistant Neisseria gonorrhoeae FC428 Strain by Using PCR 24 8 Dispatch 2018 8
Anncaliia algerae Microsporidial Myositis, New South Wales, Australia 24 8 Dispatch 2018 8
Economics of Preventing Hospital Infection 10 4 Perspective 2004 4
Burkholderia lata Infections from Intrinsically Contaminated Chlorhexidine Mouthwash, Australia, 2016 24 11 Research Letter 2018 11
Probable Psittacosis Outbreak Linked to Wild Birds 11 3 Research 2005 3
Landscape Transformation and Disease Emergence 11 5 About the Cover 2005 5
Norovirus Recombination in ORF1/ORF2 Overlap 11 7 Research 2005 7
Legionellosis from Legionella pneumophila Serogroup 13 11 9 Research 2005 9
Fluoroquinolone Use in Food Animals 11 11 Letter 2005 11
Aquariums as Reservoirs for Multidrug-resistant Salmonella Paratyphi B 12 3 Dispatch 2006 3
Computer-assisted Telephone Interview Techniques 12 4 Letter 2006 4
Atypical Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Infection and Prolonged Diarrhea in Children 12 4 Research 2006 4
Potential for Zoonotic Transmission of Brachyspira pilosicoli 12 5 Letter 2006 5
Costs of Surgical Site Infections That Appear after Hospital Discharge 12 5 Dispatch 2006 5
Azithromycin Failure in Mycoplasma genitalium Urethritis 12 7 Dispatch 2006 7
Nematode Symbiont for Photorhabdus asymbiotica 12 10 Dispatch 2006 10
Economic Evaluation and Catheter-related Bloodstream Infections 13 6 Perspective 2007 6
Effects of Internal Border Control on Spread of Pandemic Influenza 13 7 Research 2007 7
Endocarditis after Use of Tongue Scraper 13 9 Letter 2007 9
Personal Protective Equipment and Antiviral Drug Use during Hospitalization for Suspected Avian or Pandemic Influenza 13 10 Research 2007 10
Candida dubliniensis Meningitis as Delayed Sequela of Treated C. dubliniensis Fungemia 14 2 Dispatch 2008 2
Obligations to Report Outbreaks of Foodborne Disease under the International Health Regulations (2005) 14 9 Dispatch 2008 9
Traveling Light and the Tyranny of Higher Expectations 15 1 About the Cover 2009 1
Identification of Melioidosis Outbreak by Multilocus Variable Number Tandem Repeat Analysis 15 2 Research 2009 2
Face Mask Use and Control of Respiratory Virus Transmission in Households 15 2 Research 2009 2
Merkel Cell Polyomavirus DNA in Respiratory Specimens from Children and Adults 15 3 Dispatch 2009 3
Intrafamilial Transmission of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus 15 10 Letter 2009 10
Towards Control of Streptococcus iniae 15 12 Synopsis 2009 12
Cost-effectiveness of Pharmaceutical-based Pandemic Influenza Mitigation Strategies 16 2 Research 2010 2
Influenza Outbreaks during World Youth Day 2008 Mass Gathering 16 5 Research 2010 5
Long-Term Health Risks for Children and Young Adults after Infective Gastroenteritis 16 9 Research 2010 9
Changing Epidemiology of Pulmonary Nontuberculous Mycobacteria Infections 16 10 Research 2010 10
Outbreaks of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 and Seasonal Influenza A (H3N2) on Cruise Ship 16 11 Research 2010 11
Usefulness of Published PCR Primers in Detecting Human Rhinovirus Infection 17 2 Dispatch 2011 2
Etymologia: Naegleria fowleri 17 2 Etymologia 2011 2
In Memoriam: Frank John Fenner (1914–2010) 17 4 In Memoriam 2011 4
Transmission of Influenza on International Flights, May 2009 17 7 Research 2011 7
Mutations I117V and I117M and Oseltamivir Sensitivity of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Viruses 18 1 Dispatch 2012 1
Case Cluster of Necrotizing Fasciitis and Cellulitis Associated with Vein Sclerotherapy 14 1 Letter 2008 1
Panmicrobial Oligonucleotide Array for Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases 13 1 Research 2007 1
Protective Effect of Maritime Quarantine in South Pacific Jurisdictions, 1918–19 Influenza Pandemic 14 3 Dispatch 2008 3
Bordetella pertussis Clones Identified by Multilocus Variable-Number Tandem-Repeat Analysis 16 2 Dispatch 2010 2
Proficiency of Nucleic Acid Tests for Avian Influenza Viruses, Australasia 14 7 Dispatch 2008 7
Legionella longbeachae and Legionellosis 17 4 Synopsis 2011 4
Importation of Poliomyelitis by Travelers 14 2 Letter 2008 2
Iatrogenic Blood-borne Viral Infections in Refugee Children from War and Transition Zones 19 6 Synopsis 2013 6
Antigenic Diversity of Human Sapoviruses 13 10 Research 2007 10
Escherichia albertii in Wild and Domestic Birds 16 4 Research 2010 4
Complete Sequence and Molecular Epidemiology of IncK Epidemic Plasmid Encoding blaCTX-M-14 17 4 Research 2011 4
Original Antigenic Sin and Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 16 6 Letter 2010 6
Expanded-spectrum β-Lactamase and Plasmid-mediated Quinolone Resistance 13 5 Letter 2007 5
Virulence Characteristics of Klebsiella and Clinical Manifestations of K. pneumoniae Bloodstream Infections 13 7 Research 2007 7
Using PCR-Based Sequencing to Diagnose Haycocknema perplexum Infection in Human Myositis Case, Australia 24 12 Dispatch 2018 12
Epidemiology of Buruli Ulcer Infections, Victoria, Australia, 2011–2016 24 11 Synopsis 2018 11
Severe Disease Caused by Community-Associated MRSA ST398 Type V, Australia, 2017 25 1 Research Letter 2019 1
Candida auris Sternal Osteomyelitis in a Man from Kenya Visiting Australia, 2015 25 1 Research Letter 2019 1
Seroepidemiology of Parechovirus A3 Neutralizing Antibodies, Australia, the Netherlands, and United States 25 1 Dispatch 2019 1
Identification of Lonepinella sp. in Koala Bite Wound Infections, Queensland, Australia 25 1 Dispatch 2019 1
Cross-Border Movement of Highly Drug-Resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Papua New Guinea to Australia through Torres Strait Protected Zone, 2010–2015 25 3 Synopsis 2019 3
Symptoms, Sites, and Significance of Mycoplasma genitalium in Men Who Have Sex with Men 25 4 Research 2019 4
Pertactin-Negative and Filamentous Hemagglutinin-Negative Bordetella pertussis, Australia, 2013–2017 25 6 Dispatch 2019 6
Oropharyngeal Gonorrhea in Absence of Urogenital Gonorrhea in Sexual Network of Male and Female Participants, Australia, 2018 25 7 Dispatch 2019 7
Whole-Genome Sequencing of Salmonella Mississippi and Typhimurium Definitive Type 160, Australia and New Zealand 25 9 Research 2019 9
Disease Exposure and Antifungal Bacteria on Skin of Invasive Cane Toads, Australia 25 9 Research Letter 2019 9
Localized Outbreaks of Epidemic Polyarthritis among Military Personnel Caused by Different Sublineages of Ross River Virus, Northeastern Australia, 2016–2017 25 10 Synopsis 2019 10
Serologic Evidence of Exposure to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5 Viruses in Migratory Shorebirds, Australia 25 10 Research 2019 10
Self-Flagellation as Possible Route of Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 Transmission 25 10 Letter 2019 10
Epidemiologic, Entomologic, and Virologic Factors of the 2014–15 Ross River Virus Outbreak, Queensland, Australia 25 12 Research 2019 12
Global Epidemiology of Buruli Ulcer, 2010–2017, and Analysis of 2014 WHO Programmatic Targets 25 12 Synopsis 2019 12
Locally Acquired Human Infection with Swine-Origin Influenza A(H3N2) Variant Virus, Australia, 2018 26 1 Dispatch 2020 1
Divergent Barmah Forest Virus from Papua New Guinea 25 12 Dispatch 2019 12
Incursions of Candida auris into Australia, 2018 26 6 Research Letter 2020 6
Disparate Effects of Invasive Group A Streptococcus on Native Americans 26 9 Perspective 2020 9
Deaths Associated with Pneumonic Plague, 1946–2017 26 10 Dispatch 2020 10
Ocular Filariasis in Human Caused by Breinlia (Johnstonema) annulipapillata Nematode, Australia 27 1 Dispatch 2021 1
Circulation of 2 Barmah Forest Virus Lineages in Military Training Areas, Australia 26 12 Dispatch 2020 12
Coronavirus Disease Model to Inform Transmission-Reducing Measures and Health System Preparedness, Australia 26 12 Research 2020 12
Emergence of Burkholderia pseudomallei Sequence Type 562, Northern Australia 27 4 Research 2021 4
Successful Control of an Onboard COVID-19 Outbreak Using the Cruise Ship as a Quarantine Facility, Western Australia, Australia 27 5 Synopsis 2021 5
Epidemiologic Evidence for Airborne Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 during Church Singing, Australia, 2020 27 6 Dispatch 2021 6
Prescribing Antimicrobial Drugs for Acute Gastroenteritis, Primary Care, Australia, 2013–2018 27 5 Dispatch 2021 5
Persistence of SARS-CoV-2–Specific IgG in Children 6 Months After Infection, Australia 27 8 Research Letter 2021 8
Whole-Genome Sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 from Quarantine Hotel Outbreak 27 8 Research Letter 2021 8
Correlation between Buruli Ulcer Incidence and Vectorborne Diseases, Southeastern Australia, 2000–2020 27 12 Research Letter 2021 12
Increased Incidence of Melioidosis in Far North Queensland, Queensland, Australia, 1998–2019 27 12 Dispatch 2021 12
Multistate Outbreak of Salmonella enterica Serovar Heidelberg with Unidentified Source, Australia, 2018–2019 28 1 Dispatch 2022 1
Using the Acute Flaccid Paralysis Surveillance System to Identify Cases of Acute Flaccid Myelitis, Australia, 2000‒2018 28 1 Synopsis 2022 1
Shewanella spp. Bloodstream Infections in Queensland, Australia 28 4 Synopsis 2022 4
Genomic Evidence of In-Flight SARS-CoV-2 Transmission, India to Australia, April 2021 28 7 Research Letter 2022 7
Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Infection, Australia 28 8 Research Letter 2022 8
Susceptibility of Wild Canids to SARS-CoV-2 28 9 Dispatch 2022 9
Detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in Children Migrating to Australia 28 9 Research 2022 9
SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 Challenge after Ancestral or Delta Infection in Mice 28 11 Research Letter 2022 11
Invasive Infections Caused by Lancefield Groups C/G and A Streptococcus, Western Australia, Australia, 2000–2018 28 11 Research 2022 11
Multispecies Outbreak of Nocardia Infections in Heart Transplant Recipients and Association with Climate Conditions, Australia 28 11 Synopsis 2022 11
Sustained Mpox Proctitis with Primary Syphilis and HIV Seroconversion, Australia 29 3 Research Letter 2023 3
New Detection of Locally Acquired Japanese Encephalitis Virus Using Clinical Metagenomics, New South Wales, Australia 29 3 Dispatch 2023 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake by Infection Status in New South Wales, Australia 29 5 Research Letter 2023 5
SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Effectiveness against Omicron Variant in Infection-Naive Population, Australia, 2022 29 6 Research 2023 6
Healthcare-Associated Infections Caused by Mycolicibacterium neoaurum 29 8 Synopsis 2023 8
Human Neural Larva Migrans Caused by Ophidascaris robertsi Ascarid 29 9 Dispatch 2023 9
Managing Risk for Congenital Syphilis, Perth, Western Australia, Australia 29 10 Policy Review 2023 10
Community Outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections Associated with Contaminated Piercing Aftercare Solution, Australia, 2021 29 10 Research 2023 10
Comprehensive Case–Control Study of Protective and Risk Factors for Buruli Ulcer, Southeastern Australia 29 10 Research 2023 10
Treponema pallidum Detection at Asymptomatic Oral, Anal, and Vaginal Sites in Adults Reporting Sexual Contact with Persons with Syphilis 29 10 Research 2023 10
Clinical Manifestations and Genomic Evaluation of Melioidosis Outbreak among Children after Sporting Event, Australia 29 11 Synopsis 2023 11
Shiga Toxin‒Producing Escherichia coli Diagnoses from Health Practitioners, Queensland, Australia 30 1 Research Letter 2024 1
Excess Deaths Associated with Rheumatic Heart Disease, Australia, 2013–2017 30 1 Dispatch 2024 1
Fatal Human Neurologic Infection Caused by Pigeon Avian Paramyxovirus-1, Australia 29 12 Research 2023 12
Population-Based Study of Pertussis Incidence and Risk Factors among Persons >50 Years of Age, Australia 30 1 Research 2024 1
Impact of Meningococcal ACWY Vaccination Program during 2017–18 Epidemic, Western Australia, Australia 30 2 Research 2024 2
Obstetric and Neonatal Invasive Meningococcal Disease Caused by Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup W, Western Australia, Australia 30 2 Dispatch 2024 2
Emergence of Poultry-Associated Human Salmonella enterica Serovar Abortusovis Infections, New South Wales, Australia 30 4 Research 2024 4
Ocular Dirofilariasis in Migrant from Sri Lanka, Australia 30 4 Research Letter 2024 4
Mosquitoes as Vectors of Mycobacterium ulcerans Based on Analysis of Notifications of Alphavirus Infection and Buruli Ulcer, Victoria, Australia 30 9 Dispatch 2024 9
Onward Virus Transmission after Measles Secondary Vaccination Failure 30 9 Synopsis 2024 9

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