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Volume 29, Number 4—April 2023

Adeno-Associated Virus 2 and Human Adenovirus F41 in Wastewater during Outbreak of Severe Acute Hepatitis in Children, Ireland

Niamh A. Martin, Gabriel Gonzalez, Liam J. Reynolds, Charlene Bennett, Christine Campbell, Tristan M. Nolan, Alannah Byrne, Sanne Fennema, Niamh Holohan, Sailusha Ratnam Kuntamukkula, Natasha Sarwar, Laura Sala-Comorera, Jonathan Dean, Jose Maria Urtasun-Elizari, Daniel Hare, Emer Liddy, Eadaoin Joyce, John J. O’Sullivan, John M. Cuddihy, Angeline M. McIntyre, Eve P. Robinson, Darren Dahly, Nicola F. Fletcher, Suzanne Cotter, Emer Fitzpatrick, Michael J. Carr, Cillian F. De Gascun, and Wim G. MeijerComments to Author 
Author affiliations: University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland (N.A. Martin, G. Gonzalez, L.J. Reynolds, C. Bennett, C. Campbell, T.M. Nolan, A. Byrne, S. Fennema, N. Holohan, S.R. Kuntamukkula, N. Sarwar, L. Sala-Comorera, J. Dean, J.M. Urtasun-Elizari, D. Hare, J.J. O’Sullivan, N.F. Fletcher, M.J. Carr, C.F. De Gascun, W.G. Meijer); Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan (G. Gonzalez, M.J. Carr); Health Protection Surveillance Centre, Dublin, Ireland (E. Liddy, J.M. Cuddihy, A.M McIntyre, E.P. Robinson, S. Cotter); Irish Water, Dublin, Ireland (E. Joyce); University College Cork, Cork, Ireland (D. Dahly); Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin, Crumlin, Ireland (E. Fitzpatrick)

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Figure 4

Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree of HAdV genetic diversity in wastewater samples collected during SAHUE outbreak in children, Ireland. The tree was inferred by using RAxML ( Branch support was estimated by using the bootstrap method with 100 repetitions and is shown next to the branches that have >70% support. Black text indicates reference sequences, identified by GenBank accession number. Colors indicate HAdV species and types. Scale bar indicates nucleotide substitutions per site. Epi-W, epidemiologic week; HAdV, human adenovirus; SAHUE, severe acute hepatitis of unknown etiology.

Figure 4. Maximum-likelihood phylogenetic tree of HAdV genetic diversity in wastewater samples collected during SAHUE outbreak in children, Ireland. The tree was inferred by using RAxML ( Branch support was estimated by using the bootstrap method with 100 repetitions and is shown next to the branches that have >70% support. Black text indicates reference sequences, identified by GenBank accession number. Colors indicate HAdV species and types. Scale bar indicates nucleotide substitutions per site. Epi-W, epidemiologic week; HAdV, human adenovirus; SAHUE, severe acute hepatitis of unknown etiology.

Main Article

Page created: January 24, 2023
Page updated: March 20, 2023
Page reviewed: March 20, 2023
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