Travel Industry Resources
Air Travel Industry

Airline Guidance (on the CDC Quarantine website)
- Zika: Questions and Answers about Zika for the Airline Industry and Partners
- Reporting Death/Illness
- Managing Ill Passengers/Crew
- Preventing Spread of Disease on Commercial Aircraft: Guidance for Cabin Crew
- MERS: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) Interim Guidance for Airline Crew: Report Ill Travelers on Flights Arriving to the United States
- H7N9: Interim Guidance for Airline Crew: Report Ill Travelers on Flights Arriving to the United States from China
- Measles: CDC Guidance for Commercial Aircraft Operators: Measles
CDC Yellow Book Resources
- Advice for Air Crews: Special pre-travel guidance for air crews and clinicians giving them pre-travel care
- Air Travel: Information and considerations when traveling internationally by air
Associations and Organizations
- The International Air Transport Association (IATA): Guidelines for airlines about health and safety and communicable diseases
- International Civil Aviation Organization: Communicable disease/avian influenza guidelines
Cruise Ship Guidance (on the CDC Quarantine website)
Other CDC Resources
- Cruise Ship Travel: This chapter from the CDC Yellow Book provides considerations when traveling internationally by cruise ship.
- Vessel Sanitation Program
- Operational inspection reports for specific cruise ships
- Cruise Ship Travel: Tips for a healthy and safe cruise vacation
Associations and Organizations
- Cruise Lines International Association: Organization for cruise lines, industry suppliers, and travel agents with information about cruise line regulations