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Past Podcasts

Volume 7-2001 and Volume 5-1999 are links to podcasts recorded in 2015 about articles that appeared in EID during those years. Volume 12-2006 is a link to a podcast recorded in 2018.

Volume 28—2022
Volume 28, Supplement—December 2022 Cover
Volume 28, Supplement—December 2022
Lessons learned from CDC's Global COVID-19 Early Warning Surveillance System
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Dr. Philip Ricks, an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who is based in Côte d'Ivoire, and Sarah Gregory discuss lessons learned from CDC's global COVID-19 early warning and response surveillance system.

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View full-text article: Lessons Learned from CDC’s Global COVID-19 Early Warning and Response Surveillance System
Building on Capacity Established through US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Global Health Programs to Respond to COVID-19, Cameroon
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 22:51

Dr. Emily Kainne Dokubo, the CDC Country Director for the Jamaica/Caribbean Regional Office, and Sarah Gregory discuss leveraging CDC global health programs to respond to COVID-19 in Cameroon.

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View full-text article: Building on Capacity Established through US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Global Health Programs to Respond to COVID-19, Cameroon
PEPFAR-Supported HIV and TB Laboratory Networks Significantly Contributed to COVID-19 Testing Preparedness in 16 Low- and Middle-Income Countries
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 27:22

Dr. Erin Rottinghaus Romano, a microbiologist at CDC in Atlanta, and Sarah Gregory discuss the contribution of PEPFAR-Supported HIV and TB molecular diagnostic networks to COVID-19 testing preparedness in 16 countries.

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View full-text article: Contribution of PEPFAR-Supported HIV and TB Molecular Diagnostic Networks to COVID-19 Testing Preparedness in 16 Countries
Volume 28, Number 12—December 2022 Cover
Volume 28, Number 12—December 2022
Iceland as Stepping Stone for Spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus between Europe and North America
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 33:10

Dr. Martin Beer, a professor and head of the Institute of Diagnostic Virology at the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute in Germany, and Sarah Gregory discuss Iceland as a stepping stone for highly pathogenic avian influenza virus between Europe and North America.

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View full-text article: Iceland as Stepping Stone for Spread of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus between Europe and North America
Continued Circulation of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Variants and Detection of Novel Transmission Foci, the Netherlands
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Dr. Helen Esser, an assistant professor at Wageningen University, and Sarah Gregory discuss tick-borne encephalitis virus presence and prevalence in potential new foci in the Netherlands.

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View full-text article: Continued Circulation of Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Variants and Detection of Novel Transmission Foci, the Netherlands
Volume 28, Number 11—November 2022 Cover
Volume 28, Number 11—November 2022
Norovirus Genogroup IX Outbreaks in Long-Term Care Facilities in Utah, USA
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 19:01

BreAnne Osborn, an epidemiologist at the Utah Department of Health in Salt Lake City, and Sarah Gregory discuss outbreaks of norovirus genotype IX in long-term care facilities in Utah.

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View full-text article: Cluster of Norovirus Genogroup IX Outbreaks in Long-Term Care Facilities, Utah, USA, 2021
Outbreak of Nocardia Infections in Heart Transplant Recipients and Association with Climate Conditions, Australia
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 17:38

Dr. Nila Dharan, an infectious disease physician at the University of New South Wales in Australia, and Sarah Gregory discuss an outbreak of Nocardia infections in heart transplant recipients and association with climate conditions in Australia.

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View full-text article: Multispecies Outbreak of Nocardia Infections in Heart Transplant Recipients and Association with Climate Conditions, Australia
Volume 28, Number 10—October 2022 Cover
Volume 28, Number 10—October 2022
Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola, Etiologic Agent of Snake Fungal Disease, in Europe since Late 1950s
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 18:01

Dr. Francesco Origgi, a veterinary microbiologist and pathologist at the University of Bern in Switzerland, and Sarah Gregory discuss the presence of Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola infection in free-ranging snakes in Europe.

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View full-text article: Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola, Etiologic Agent of Snake Fungal Disease, in Europe since Late 1950s
Review of Foodborne Tick-Borne Encephalitis, Europe, 1980-2021
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 18:01

Dr. Meital Elbaz, an infectious disease fellow at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center in Israel, and Sarah Gregory discuss a review of foodborne tick-borne encephalitis in Europe.

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View full-text article: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Foodborne Tick-Borne Encephalitis, Europe, 1980–2021
Shortening Duration of Swine Exhibitions to Reduce Transmission of Influenza A Virus
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 27:13

Dr. Andrew Bowman, an associate professor at The Ohio State University's Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine, and Sarah Gregory discuss shortening the number of hours for swine exhibitions to reduce influenza A transmission.

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View full-text article: Shortening Duration of Swine Exhibitions to Reduce Risk for Zoonotic Transmission of Influenza A Virus
Seasonality of Common Human Coronaviruses in the United States, 2014-2021
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 27:02

Dr. Melisa Shah, an infectious disease physician and a recent graduate of CDC's Epidemic Intelligence Service, and Sarah Gregory discuss the seasonality of common human coronaviruses in the United States.

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View full-text article: Seasonality of Common Human Coronaviruses, United States, 2014–2021
Molecular Detection of Histoplasma capsulatum in Antarctica
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Dr. Luciana Trilles, a researcher at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Sarah Gregory discuss detection of Histoplasma capsulatum in Antarctica.

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View full-text article: Molecular Detection of Histoplasma capsulatum in Antarctica
Volume 28, Number 9—September 2022 Cover
Volume 28, Number 9—September 2022
Fetal Loss and Preterm Birth Caused by Intraamniotic Haemophilus influenzae Infection, New Zealand
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 30:03

Dr. Thomas Hills, a physician and research fellow based in Auckland, New Zealand, and Sarah Gregory discuss fetal loss and preterm birth caused by Haemophilus influenzae infection.

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View full-text article: Fetal Loss and Preterm Birth Caused by Intraamniotic Haemophilus influenzae Infection, New Zealand
Fatal Fungicide-Associated Triazole-Resistant Aspergillus fumigatus Infection, Pennsylvania
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 18:56

Kennedy Bradley, an epidemiology fellow at the Department of Public Health, Philadelphia, and Sarah Gregory discuss a fatal infection associated with triazole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus in Pennsylvania.

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View full-text article: Fatal Fungicide-Associated Triazole-Resistant Aspergillus fumigatus Infection, Pennsylvania, USA
Pathogenesis and Transmissibility of North American Highly Pathogenic A(H5N1) Influenza A Virus in the Ferret Model
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Dr. Joanna Pulit-Penaloza, a biologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, and Sarah Gregory discuss avian influenza A(H5N1) in a ferret model.

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View full-text article: Pathogenesis and Transmissibility of North American Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) Virus in Ferrets
Sequestration and Destruction of Rinderpest Virus-Containing Material 10 Years after Eradication
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 15:06

Dr. Christine Budke, a professor of epidemiology at Texas A&M University and a senior lead scientist in risk prevention for the Institute for Infectious Animal Diseases, and Sarah Gregory discuss the sequestration and destruction of rinderpest virus-containing material 10 years after eradication.

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View full-text article: Sequestration and Destruction of Rinderpest Virus–Containing Material 10 Years after Eradication
Volume 28, Number 8—August 2022 Cover
Volume 28, Number 8—August 2022
Toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae Infection in a Cat in Texas
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 34:36

Layda Rincon, an epidemiologist with the Cameron County Public Health Department in Texas, and Sarah Gregory discuss a case of toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae infection in a pet cat.

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View full-text article: Toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae Infection in Cat, Texas, USA
Culling of Urban Norway Rats and Carriage of Bartonella species
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Dr. Kaylee Byers, the deputy director of the British Columbia Node of the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative and a university research associate at Simon Fraser University, and Sarah Gregory discuss the effects of culling on Bartonella bacteria in urban rats in Canada.

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View full-text article: Culling of Urban Norway Rats and Carriage of Bartonella spp. Bacteria, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Increased Incidence of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease among Children after COVID-19 Pandemic, England
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 33:15

Dr. Shamez Ladhani, a pediatric infectious disease consultant at the UK Health Security Agency in London, and Sarah Gregory discuss an increase of invasive pneumococcal disease in children after the COVID-19 pandemic in England.

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View full-text article: Increased Incidence of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease among Children after COVID-19 Pandemic, England
Volume 28, Number 7—July 2022 Cover
Volume 28, Number 7—July 2022
One Health Genomic Analysis of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase‒Producing Salmonella enterica, Canada, 2012‒2016
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 17:42

Dr. Amrita Bharat, the Head of Mycology and Molecular Enteric Antimicrobial Resistance at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada, and Sarah Gregory discuss a genomic analysis of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase‒producing Salmonella enterica.

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View full-text article: One Health Genomic Analysis of Extended-Spectrum β-Lactamase‒Producing Salmonella enterica, Canada, 2012‒2016
Emerging from an Isolation Cocoon, 2022
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 16:51

Dr. Ron Louie, a specialist in Pediatrics and Hematology-Oncology, and Sarah Gregory discuss his poem, "Emerging from an Isolation Cocoon," which was inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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View full-text article: Emerging from an Isolation Cocoon, 2022
Use of Enteroids to Evaluate Persistence of Infectious Human Norovirus in Seawater
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Dr. Marion Desdouits, an environmental virology researcher in France, and Sarah Gregory discuss the persistence of human norovirus in natural seawater.

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View full-text article: Use of Human Intestinal Enteroids to Evaluate Persistence of Infectious Human Norovirus in Seawater
Estimated Prevalence of Chagas Disease among Adults, United States
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 31:55

Dr. Caryn Bern, a professor of epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, and Sarah Gregory discuss the prevalence of Chagas disease in adults in the United States.

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View full-text article: Updated Estimates and Mapping for Prevalence of Chagas Disease among Adults, United States
Volume 28, Number 6—June 2022 Cover
Volume 28, Number 6—June 2022
Rabies Virus Variant of Probable Bat Origin in 2 Gray Foxes, New Mexico
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 33:32

Rene Edgar Condori, a microbiologist at CDC in Atlanta, and Sarah Gregory discuss the detection of a rabies virus variant in two gray foxes in New Mexico.

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View full-text article: Divergent Rabies Virus Variant of Probable Bat Origin in 2 Gray Foxes, New Mexico, USA
Economic Burden of Lyme Disease in High-Incidence Areas, United States, 2014-2016
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Dr. Sarah Hook, an epidemiologist at CDC in Fort Collins, Colorado, and Sarah Gregory discuss the economic burden of Lyme disease in the United States.

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View full-text article: Economic Burden of Reported Lyme Disease in High-Incidence Areas, United States, 2014–2016
Risk Prediction for Pediatric Patients with Suspected Ebola Virus Disease
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Dr. Alicia Genisca, an assistant professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics at Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, and Sarah Gregory discuss risk prediction for children with suspected Ebola virus disease.

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View full-text article: Risk Prediction Score for Pediatric Patients with Suspected Ebola Virus Disease
Geographic Origin and Vertical Transmission of Leishmania infantum Parasites in Hunting Hounds, United States
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 26:33

Dr. Susanne Franssen, an assistant professor of evolutionary biology at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, Germany, and Sarah Gregory discuss vertical transmission of Leishmania infantum parasites in hunting dogs in the United States.

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View full-text article: Geographic Origin and Vertical Transmission of Leishmania infantum Parasites in Hunting Hounds, United States
Foodborne Illness Outbreaks Reported to National Surveillance, United States, 2009-2018
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Alice White, a senior research instructor of epidemiology at the Colorado School of Public Health, and Sarah Gregory discuss foodborne outbreaks reported to a national surveillance system in the United States.

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View full-text article: Foodborne Illness Outbreaks Reported to National Surveillance, United States, 2009–2018
Response to Multistate Salmonella Typhimurium Outbreak from Prepackaged Chicken Salad, United States, 2018
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 24:59

Dr. Brad Greening, a health scientist at CDC in Atlanta, and Sarah Gregory discuss a multistate foodborne outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium in the United States.

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View full-text article: Public Health Response to Multistate Salmonella Typhimurium Outbreak Associated with Prepackaged Chicken Salad, United States, 2018
Volume 28, Number 5—May 2022 Cover
Volume 28, Number 5—May 2022
Domestic Dogs as Sentinels for West Nile Virus, Mexico
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 20:55

Dr. Gabriel Hamer, an associate professor of entomology at Texas A&M University, and Sarah Gregory discuss domestic dogs as sentinels for West Nile virus in Mexico.

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View full-text article: Domestic Dogs as Sentinels for West Nile Virus but not Aedes-borne Flaviviruses, Mexico
Invasive Group A Streptococcus Outbreaks from Home Healthcare, England, 2018-2019
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Dr. Theresa Lamagni, an epidemiologist at Public Health England, and Sarah Gregory discuss outbreaks of group A Streptococcus associated with home healthcare in England.

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View full-text article: Invasive Group A Streptococcus Outbreaks Associated with Home Healthcare, England, 2018–2019
Effects of Tick-Control Interventions on Ticks, Tickborne Diseases in New York Neighborhoods
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 27:55

Dr. Felicia Keesing, a David & Rosalie Rose Distinguished Professor of the Sciences, Mathematics, and Computing at Bard College in New York, and Sarah Gregory discuss the effects of tick control interventions in New York.

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View full-text article: Effects of Tick-Control Interventions on Tick Abundance, Human Encounters with Ticks, and Incidence of Tickborne Diseases in Residential Neighborhoods, New York, USA
Novel Hendra Virus Variant in Black, and Grey-Headed, Flying Foxes, Australia
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Dr. Alison Peel, a senior research fellow at Griffith University in Queensland, Australia, and Sarah Gregory discuss a novel Hendra virus variant in Australia.

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View full-text article: Novel Hendra Virus Variant Circulating in Black Flying Foxes and Grey-Headed Flying Foxes, Australia
Asymptomatic Household Transmission of C. difficile Infection from Recently Hospitalized Family Members
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Dr. Aaron Miller, a research assistant professor at the University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, and Sarah Gregory discuss transmission of C. difficile to family members from recently hospitalized patients.

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View full-text article: Risk for Asymptomatic Household Transmission of Clostridioides difficile Infection Associated with Recently Hospitalized Family Members
Volume 28, Number 4—April 2022 Cover
Volume 28, Number 4—April 2022
Heartland Virus from Lone Star Ticks, Georgia, USA, 2019
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 21:23

Dr. Gonzalo Vazquez-Prokopec, an associate professor of environmental sciences at Emory University in Atlanta, and Sarah Gregory discuss the presence of Heartland virus in lone star ticks in Georgia.

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View full-text article: Isolation of Heartland Virus from Lone Star Ticks, Georgia, USA, 2019
Decrease in TB during 2020 Reflected by Pharmacy Data during COVID-19 pandemic, United States
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 17:54

Dr. Kathryn Winglee, a statistician at CDC in Atlanta, and Sarah Gregory discuss a decrease in TB cases during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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View full-text article: Decrease in Tuberculosis Cases during COVID-19 Pandemic as Reflected by Outpatient Pharmacy Data, United States, 2020
Volume 28, Number 3—March 2022 Cover
Volume 28, Number 3—March 2022
Laboratory Induced Heartland Virus from Asian Longhorn Ticks
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Dr. Meghan Hermance, an assistant professor of microbiology and immunology at the University of South Alabama, and Sarah Gregory discuss infection and transmission of Heartland virus in ticks in a lab.

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View full-text article: Transovarial Transmission of Heartland Virus by Invasive Asian Longhorned Ticks under Laboratory Conditions
Overseas Treatment of Latent TB Infection in US-Bound Immigrants
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 28:49

Dr. Amera Khan, a technical officer at the Stop TB Partnership in Geneva, Switzerland, and Sarah Gregory discuss treatment of latent TB among US-bound immigrants in Vietnam.

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View full-text article: Overseas Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection in US–Bound Immigrants
Sentinel Surveillance Shows Novel Hendra Virus in Horses in Australia
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Dr. Edward Annand, an equine veterinarian epidemiologist and a research associate at the University of Sydney School of Veterinary Science in Australia, and Sarah Gregory discuss the detection of a novel Hendra virus variant from a horse in Australia.

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View full-text article: Novel Hendra Virus Variant Detected by Sentinel Surveillance of Horses in Australia
Neutralizing Enterovirus D68 Antibodies in Children after 2014 Outbreak, Kansas City, Missouri
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 17:54

Dr. Christopher Harrison, a pediatric infectious disease specialist and professor of pediatrics at Children's Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri, and Sarah Gregory discuss neutralizing enterovirus D68 antibodies in children after a 2014 outbreak.

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View full-text article: Neutralizing Enterovirus D68 Antibodies in Children after 2014 Outbreak, Kansas City, Missouri, USA
Rising Incidence of Legionnaires' Disease, United States, 1992-2018
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Albert Barskey, an epidemiologist at CDC in Atlanta, and Sarah Gregory discuss the increase of Legionnaires' disease within the United States.

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View full-text article: Rising Incidence of Legionnaires’ Disease and Associated Epidemiologic Patterns, United States, 1992–2018
Volume 28, Number 2—February 2022 Cover
Volume 28, Number 2—February 2022
Viral Interference between Respiratory Viruses
presentation_01 Listen Now or Download MP3 Length: 19:17

Dr. Guy Boivin, an infectious disease specialist and the head of the virology laboratory at the Research Center in Infectious Diseases at Laval University in Quebec, Canada, and Sarah Gregory discuss viral interference between respiratory viruses.

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West Nile Virus Transmission by Solid Organ Transplantation
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Dr. Raymond Soto, an EIS officer at CDC in Fort Collins, Colorado, and Sarah Gregory discuss transmission of West Nile virus through solid organ transplantation.

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View full-text article: West Nile Virus Transmission by Solid Organ Transplantation and Considerations for Organ Donor Screening Practices, United States
Public Willingness to Pay for Mosquito Control, Texas
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Dr. Katherine Dickinson, an assistant professor of environmental and occupational health in the Colorado School of Public Health, and Sarah Gregory discuss public willingness to pay for mosquito control in Texas.

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View full-text article: Public Acceptance of and Willingness to Pay for Mosquito Control, Texas, USA
Volume 28, Number 1—January 2022 Cover
Volume 28, Number 1—January 2022
Drug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Medical Tourism from the United States to Mexico
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Dr. Cal Ham, a medical officer at CDC in Atlanta, and Sarah Gregory discuss extensively drug-resistant infections linked to medical tourism from the United States to Mexico.

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View full-text article: Extensively Drug-Resistant Carbapenemase-Producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Medical Tourism from the United States to Mexico, 2018–2019
Salmonella in Thanksgiving Turkey, 1998-2018
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Dr. Farrell Tobolowsky, a CDC FLIGHT fellow in Atlanta, and Sarah Gregory discuss Salmonella serotypes associated with illness after the Thanksgiving holiday.

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View full-text article: Salmonella Serotypes Associated with Illnesses after Thanksgiving Holiday, United States, 1998–2018
Detection of Antifungal-Resistant Trichophyton Strain in France
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Dr. Karen Wu, an EIS officer at CDC in Atlanta, and Sarah Gregory discuss the detection of an antifungal-resistant Trichophyton strain in France.

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View full-text article: Extensive Dermatophytosis Caused by Terbinafine-Resistant Trichophyton indotineae, France
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